Lesson 3 Flashcards
the documentation of a comprehensive review of the published and unpublished work from secondary sources of data in the areas of specific interest to the researcher.
Review of Related Literature
an integral part of the entire research process and makes a valuable contribution to almost every operational step.
literature review
FUNCTIONS of Literature Review:
B - ring clarity and focus to your research problem
I - mprove your methodology
B - roaden your knowledge base in your research area
C - ontextualise your findings
acquaints you with the methodologies that have been used by others to find answers to questions similar to the one you are investigating.
Improve your methodology - Literature review
- The literature review can play an extremely important role in shaping your research problem.
It also helps you to define the relationship between your research problem and the body of knowledge in the area
Bring clarity and focus to your research problem
Literature review ensures you read widely 🧐around the subject area in which you intend to conduct your research study.
It is important to know:
➡what other researchers have found in regard to the same or similar questions,
➡what theories have been put forward and
➡ what gap exit in the relevant body of knowledge
Broaden your knowledge base in your research area
Literature review helps identifying
-how your findings compare with the existing body of knowledge.
-How do answers to your questions compare with what other have found?
-What contribution have you been able to make to the existing body of knowledge?
-How your finding different from others?
Contextualise your findings
Procedure for Reviewing Literature:
Search for existing literature in your area of study:
Review the literature selected;
Develop a theoretical framework;
Develop a conceptual framework
Writing up the literature reviewed
the act of presenting another’s work or ideas as your own.
when you take someone else’s works, ideas or words and use them as your own. Whether it is a sentence, a part of a sentence or an entire paper, it will ruin your grade.
It is an academic crime and an ethical offense. It is stealing someone’s intellectual property.