Lesson 2 Flashcards
10 Basic Stages in Research Process:
P - Problem Identification
R - Review of Related Literature
O - Objective Formulation
F - Formulation of Hypotheses & Assumptions
T - Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework
R - Research Design Collection
D - Data Collection
D - Data Processing
D - Data Analysis and Interpretation
R - Report Writing
-an effect that is desired or expected to be achieved by an activity, project or program.
-Statements of purpose for which the investigation is to be conducted.
-They stipulate the aims or goals which are expected to be attained at the end of the research process. Data that does not meet the objectives must be disregarded but it can be put in the scope and limitations or recommendation
- they may be encapsulated in one statement, or they may require several statements.
-Based on and logically flow from the identified research problem
Two major classifications of objectives:
General objective
Specific objective
broad statement of purpose which uses abstract and non-measurable concepts, it is the rephrased of the research title so constructed that it became an objective structurally and in essence.
statement of purpose which uses well defined and measurable concepts. The formulation of which should be based on and logically flow from the general objective
Good Research Objectives:
S - simple language
M - measurable concepts
A - attainable
R - Result-oriented
T - time bound
5 Importance of Objectives:
- To indicate the relevant variables to be considered in the study
- To guide you in choosing the research design or methods
- To tell you what data to collect
- To help you in planning the analysis of the results
- To give you the basis for interpreting the data
refers to a “characteristics” that has two or more mutually exclusive values or properties”.
2 Types of Variable
Independent Variable (IV)
Dependent Variable (DV)
Condition or characteristics which are presumed cause or influence of the existence or non-existence or change in certain phenomena.
Object of manipulation or control by the researcher in the attempt to determine their relationship to the observed phenomena.
Predictors of dependent variable.
Independent Variable (IV)
2 Types of Independent Variables:
Treatment variables
Attribute variables
factors that the researcher manipulates and to which he assigns subjects.
Treatment variables
Characteristics that cannot be changed by the researcher such as age, sex and intelligence level but as independent variables.
Attribute variables
Condition or characteristics which are influenced by the independent variables
Outcomes, effects or results which are the focus of the investigation
Dependent Variable (DV)