Lesson 24 Flashcards
A medium of open discussion or websites a page or set of pages were visitors communicate with each other or comment by posting messages
Hyperlink markup language a computer-based markup language usually used to create World Wide Web documents incorporating text graphic sounds video and hyperlinks
Computer that stores all the pages of the website and makes them all available Via the Internet
Mark up language
System for marking her tagging a document that indicates it’s logical structure and gives instructions for its layout on the page for electronic transmission and display using creating webpages
The computer in the network that is used to provide services to other computers inthe network or on the Internet
An element or of code in the computer document used to control format and layout or to establish a hyperlink in HTML tags are enclosed and angle brackets
Web design
The practice or job of planning webpage layout content and graphic design
Web development
Creating and maintainingl an Internet presence using websites
Web page
An individual document that is written in HTML and connected to the Internet
Person responsible for the creation and maintenance of the website especially for a company or organization
Collection of webpages that an individual organization makes available over the Internet
Area at the top of the webpage information that displays on all the pages of the website