Lesson 22: Placing, Is at pt 3 Flashcards
Zaakamogamigong yaa Kaatnii Zhiitaa. Wiibaa mompii daayaa.
Kathy is in the bathroom. She’s getting ready. She should be here soon.
Makakong tenoon shki-makizinan.
The new shoes are in the box.
Doopwining giite giigido-bii’aabikonhs.
The telephone was on the table.
Wiibaa kinoomaagegamigong dayaa ndaanis.
My daughter is going to be at the school soon.
My daughter is going to be at the school early.
Oodi besha mitigong yaawok niizh bezhigoogzhik.
Two horses are over there near the tree.
Naami-pikweshmowining tenoon miziniganan.
The books are under the pillow.
Niigaan shkwaandeming te naakaniigaanhs.
The small mat is in front of the door.
Kaawiin biinji-kinoomaagegamigong giiyaasiiwok. Kojiing giimadabiwok.
They were not inside the school.
They sat outside.
Makakonhsing biwok taadwinak.
The cards are in the little box.
Kitigaaning te waabshki-pabwin miinwaa pabwining te wiikwaan.
The white chair is in the field and the hat is on the chair,
Mikomii-taasowining tenoon waawanoon.
There are eggs in the fridge.
Biinji-wiigwaaming dayaawok kwezenhsak zaam kisinaa.
The girls are going to be inside the house because it is cold.
Geyaabi na zhoonyaataagegamigong gdiyaa? Aabidek kabigiiwe. Gegwa wiikaa bidagoshinike.
Are you still at the casino? You’re going to have to come home. Don’t arrive late.
Gabe-niibaadibikak mitigwaakiing giibi daabaan.
There was a car in the woods all through the night.
Niiwo-dabaganek kitigaaning wiibi wa baasjigan.
That airplane will be in the field at 4 o’clock.
Odaawegamigong ndiyaa. Wiiba wiigwaaming ndaayaa.
I am at the store. I should be at the house soon.
Kaawiin maampii tesino mazinaazigan. Zhebaa nibaaganing giite.
The camera is not here. It was on the bed this morning.
Jiinaago mitigong giiyaawok naanan ezibanak.
There were 5 raccoons in the tree yesterday.
Pabwining aazhiwisak te wiikwaan.
The hat is on the chair in the other room.
Daabaaning yaawok kwewok, miinwaa waanendaagwaziwok.
The ladies are in the car, and they are cute.
Shaweying shkwaandeming tenoon makizinan zaam bijiinak ngiibiinchige.
The shoes are beside the door because I just cleaned.
Taasowining biwok kikook.
The pots are in the cupboard.
Kiinootaage na?
Did you repeat what you heard?