The practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a solid surface. The medium is commonly applied to the base with a brush, but other implements, such as knives, sponges, and airbrushes, can be used.
It is an Ancient Medium commonly used to paint Egyptian tombs. The medium used a combination of beeswax (pagkit) and resin to add colors and to make it shiny or glossy.
a sticky liquid substance that comes from the trees or plants.
also made from earth materials composed of beeswax, resin with the addition of egg yolk to preserve the work. Applied to wood panels and dries faster, hence no corrections can be made.
The technique used in the application of tempera in panel painting
Mixed Technique
it is an additional altar seen in many ancient churches with different and additional sculptures of saints encased inside.
it also made use of damp plaster on walls to create the work. Images become fixed.
What is an example of Fresco?
The Sistine Chapel painting by Michelangelo
the artists from Asia came out with its own version of the fresco also called _______________where instead of applying the mediums directly on the wall, it made use instead of paper and silk.
Fresco Secco
- It is one of the most commonly used mediums.
- corrections cannot be made since it dries fast hence, careful planning and precision are needed.
- it can be done in one seating.
Water Color
It is the most flexible of all the mediums since it dries slowly, and corrections can be made.
Oil Painting
It is a new medium introduced in painting. It dries fast and can be used in all types of surfaces.
able to cover bigger and wider spaces and surfaces. Is also used for cake designs with food colors or in graffiti.
Spray painting
When the art is applied to a wall it is called _____________.
- An artwork performed on buildings, trains, doors or walls.
- It is an art that is opposed to the traditional since it does not use canvas.
a machine operated by robot to commission all the paintings for billboards used for advertisements.
It is a type of painting medium that instead of the usual painting mediums, it makes use of pieces of glass or stones called “Tesserae” that are fitted to form a pattern.
A type of painting medium that is part of the Gothic Cathedral and it was designed not only to illuminate the place but also for religious purposes such as providing religious instructions and depicting the saints and their lives.
Stained glass
At present modern architecture makes use of _________ not only to illuminate the space but also provide aesthetic effect and purposes.
stained glass
Other than architecture,
_______________ is now used for housewares and house fixtures like chandeliers and light bulbs.
stained glass
- It is a type of painting medium, It is a heavy fabric used during the ancient times in order to provide protection from cold weather and heat.
- It is thick, heavy and long enough to cover the windows.
at present tapestry is called ____________ that are mostly light, colorful with various interesting designs and purposely used to provide illusion, space and privacy, while thick fabrics are used as carpets and wall decors.
It is a type of drawing medium that is used for studying (computation and drafting), investigation, cartoon making, and sketches and it is also used in preliminary sketches in papers.
It is the oldest drawing medium that is still in use until this time.
It is an ink that comes from the sac of the cuttlefish. It is a black liquid that is being released when threatened by a predator.
a gray brown ink that comes from a soot produced by burning some resinous wood. It is usually used for making stamps.
used for signing and for ancient tattoo painting.
Indian Ink
a solid stick that is dissolved in water before use.
Chinese Ink
is used for various purposes. It is used for signing, computations and even for taking down notes when studying. It is characterized by precisely controlled and uniformly wide lines.
Pen with ink
a medium that is made of dry pigment but secured or bind by a gum binder and compressed into sticks.
Pastel with Chalk
- during ancient times burning twigs or any pieces of wood is the only way an artist can come out with dark shades.
- It is used to represent or produce broad masses of light and shadows. Softer types of charcoal produced a dark surface, while the hardest charcoal produced lightest and grayest ones.
is one of the familiar and popular basic drawing mediums. It is made from pigment bounded by wax and compressed into a stick used as a preparatory experience in coloring.
It was used during the ancient Renaissance period. It is a pointed instrument or a silver wire usually attached with feathers to extend its length to be able to write with ease, precision and control.
a one-dimensional art that can only be seen, but cannot be viewed at its different angles to see how the subject looks at the back of side. It cannot stand alone unless posted in a frame. It makes use of pigments or colors, some paintings may now be 2 or even 3 dimensional, meaning it can show its nature
Painting Medium
like Miels Joshua Vulnerability of men, creates that three dimensional were in layer and layer or oil paint was dammed to create a thick layer on the canvas then using the fingers or a knife to create the subject. Since it is thick in layers then it looks real and seems to give you the impression that it is indeed the eye looking in a certain direction.
Impasto Painting
uses the Impasto technique
- by Leonardo da Vinci “Mona Lisa. Used in the movie “Twilight” or even “Dracula” giving drama and the impression of a smoggy morning or even.
- give and project a dramatic effect like a Smokey or a blurry features or image
It made use of dark and light and shadows to further project an eerie and scary effect to the work. Such a technique is even now used in horror movies.
Other than Leonardo da Vinci, who is the other artist that makes use of chiaroscuro as a technique
requires an artist to assign layers and layers of colors on top and existing colors an artist placed
on his subject.
It is a technique where an artist tries to catch the attention of the viewers and allows you to focus on one and only one subject an artist wants you to look at, this despite the other subjects surrounding the subjects the artist wishes you to concentrate or focus on.