LESSON 2: The evolution of traditional to new media Flashcards
Evolution of media (in order)
- Pre-Industrial Age (Before 1700s)
- Industrial Age (1700s - 1930s)
- Electronic Age ( 1930s-1980s)
- Information Age (1980s-2000s)
Happened before 1700s, People discovered
fire, developed paper from plants, and forged weapons and tools with stone,
bronze, copper and iron.
Pre-Industrial Age
Cave paintings
35,000 BC (pictographs and petroglyphs)
Happened during the 1700s and 1930s, People used the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron
production, and the manufacturing
of various products.
industrial age
First newspaper
The London Gazette (1665)
When did the production of newspaper happen
When did the printing press for mass production happen?
19th century
typewriters started during
Telegraph started during? and was used for
1840s, used for morse code
Who and when was the telephone discovered?
By Alexander Graham Bell in 1876
Who was famous for motion pictures?
Charlie Chaplin (1890)
Happened during 1930s-1980s, The invention of the transistor ushered in the electronic age. People harnessed
the power of transistors.
Electronic Age
Happened during 1980s-2000s, The Internet paved the way for faster
communication and the creation of the
social network.
piece of software that retrieves and displays web pages
web browser
a website that helps people find web pages from other websites
search engine
when was google founded
when was yahoo search founded
when was bing founded