Lesson 2: Safety, Sanitation & Hygiene in the Funeral Home Setting Flashcards
When might an individual be in contact with human remains?
during transfers, while properly identifying the body, while removing or placing personal items such as jewelry or clothing, while checking for pacemaker, while guiding the family through viewing, dressing, casketting
who is at the greatest risk while handling human remains and why?
the embalmer; the invasive nature of embalming that puts them in direct contact with bodily fluids, blood, and body tissues
When is there a risk for disease transmission?
Every single time an individual touches, handles, or transports human remains
What poses the greatest risk when being in contact with human remains?
Blood and other bodily fluids. Any materials purging from any orifices or open wounds or sores. Blood, vomit, pus, mucous secretions, spinal fluid, fecal matter, urine, etc.
How can pathogens be transmitted to individuals handling human remains?
Through ingestion, inhalation, or through open cuts or wounds
When does risk of inhalation through airborne droplets increase?
When the body is moved airborne droplets escape from the nasal or oral cavities and can be expressed into the air
True or False: Human remains should never be touched with direct skin contact
True or False: Beds, cots, stretchers, clothing, and personal effects cannot be contaminated or cause risk to those working with human remains
False- all items or articles contacted during transfer have the potential to become contaminated wth infectious materials from the deceased.
What does proper ID of the body entail?
Check name tags on shroud AND any ID bracelets found on the body (usually on wrist or ankle). If already wrapped covering MUST be carefully opened and the individual identified
True or False: If removing a body from a trauma or accident it is recommended to wear full PPE?
True or False: a cotton shroud is sufficient for a transfer
True if not visibly soiled- if obvious signs of leakage a body bag should be used
True or False: Gloves can be thrown in the trash after a transfer is complete
False- gloves should be placed in biohazardous disposal following removal and hands should be washed or sanitized. If no biohazardous waste is available at the transfer site then the gloves should be brought back to the funeral home for proper disposal
True or False: Casketting a body can be done by one person wearing only gloves
False- for safety reasons, two people should be present for moving a body. gloves and a gown must be worn. a mask and eye protection and/or face shield is highly recommended.
When embalming a body what PPE should be worn?
Full PPE, there should be no exposed skin.
When handling an already embalmed body what PPE should be worn?
A gown and gloves must be worn.
After handling an embalmed or unembalmed body what final procedure must take place?
The work environment must be properly disinfected
True or False: an employee should be fit tested to wear an N95?
True or False: N95 fit tests must occur every 6 months
False- an N95 fit test must occur every year
True or False: sharps should always be resheathed or recapped by hand after using
False- sharps should never be cut, bent, broken, recapped or resheathed by hand.
What risks are involved when transporting human remains?
contact with blood or bodily fluid, airborne inhalation, contact with contaminated items, direct skin to skin contact, sharps injuries, contact with purge material, contact with droplets
2 main reasons to wear the correct glove size
reduces possibility of tearing and ensures freedom of movement for hands
what should be done with mask and gloves before wearing?
Check for defects and tears
True or False: A fit check must be done every time you wear an N95?
What should be done when removing a gown?
remove by rolling inward and turning inside out, untie gown after removing gloves, discard disposable gown in biohazardous waste and launder reusable gown.