Lesson 2; Research Ethics Flashcards
I.R.B. Stands for?
International Review Board
The foremost concern of a researcher is___
The subjects SAFETY and WELFARE
Research that is harmful to participants is a desirable as it may increase our wisdom
Research that is harmful to participants is undesirable even though it may increase our wisdom
This is a committee Composed of laypeople and researcher that evaluate research proposals and ensure that ethical standards are followed
A research conducted by the BS Psychology 2F was deemed to increase the chance of harm for the people who are chosen as subject compared to them not participating in this study. The study, therefore puts its subjctes __ ____
At Risk
When the research do not increase the likelihood of injury for its participants, it can be said that it is at ______ ____
Minimal Risk
Weighing the consequences of taking a decision versus the benefits it can give is called
Risk/Benefit analysis
True or false, the risks imposed by the research must outweigh its benefit
the benefit imposed by the research must outweigh its risks
Marimar has undergone the treatments of a research conducted by Pirena before she even got any written request for participation with sufficient explanation about the study.
In this instance, Pirena violated Marimar’s right to ____ ____
Informed consent
The participant has the right to know fully the objective and nature of the research
Discuss the right to autonomy
Succinctly, the right of a person to choose for his own; to give consent freely without the threat of force or coercion
Can a participant or respondent drop out of the experiment even during the middle of the procedure?
Under what right is this encompassed?
Yes; the right to withdraw
Miss ma’am is conducting a research, aware of the participants right to be informed, she provided a paper that discusses fully the research and its procedure. After handing these out, she left the room to avoid any questions because she is lazy.
Is miss ma’am’s action appropriate? why?
No. Researchers must answer the questions of the participants in order for them to fully understand the objective of the study
Einstein refused to talk about his experiences during the war due to its personally-sensitive nature. Einstein is exercising his right to ______
Keeping the transcripts and records of the respondents in a safe storage is under what principle or responsibility of our profession?
Nazi committed numerous unethical experiments, this dark period in our history gave way to the creation of what code?
Nuremberg Code of 1947
How many principles did the Nuremberg code established ?
Public outcry in the US following the unethical procedure concerning research about syphilis resulted to
Belmont Report
How many core principles for research did the Belmont Report established ?
Is some studies, the purpose of the study is disguised. This procedure is termed___
Deception may be used to minimize the perception of the participants of the risks or exaggerate their perception of potential benefit
it is the researcher’s foremost concern in recruiting and using subjects
Treating them ethically and responsibly
It is known as the experimenter’s accomplice
Psychologists can use deception at any time as long as non-deceptive alternatives are not feasible
False. Psychologists can only use deception when it is absolutely necessary and if the use of deceptive techniques is justified.
Psychologists typically refrain from deceiving prospective participants about research that is reasonably anticipated to cause physical pain or severe emotional distress
Psychologists are required to explain any deception that is an integral feature of the design and conduct of an experiment to participants as early as is feasible, preferably at the conclusion of their participation, but no later than the conclusion of the data collection, and permit participants to withdraw their data.
False. While psychologists are encouraged to disclose deception to participants at the earliest feasible opportunity and allow withdrawal of data, there is no strict requirement to disclose it specifically at the conclusion of their participation or by the conclusion of data collection.
What principle did the researchers follow by completely debriefing subjects at the end of the experiment, explaining the true nature and purpose of the study?
principle of Full disclosure
it is the process of informing research participants as soon as possible of the purpose of the study, revealing any deception, and correcting any other misconceptions they might have as a result of participating?
A term that describes the condition in which subjects are not identified by name, achieved by collecting data without names and assigning code numbers?
Term that describes the condition in which data are securely stored and only used for the purpose explained to the subject?
True or False:
They achieve confidentiality by storing data in a locked safe and only using the data for the purposes explained to the participants.
It underscores the researchers’ obligation to prioritize the humane care and treatment of animals involved in experiments.
Animal welfare
It is the review board tasked with evaluating experiments involving animals before they are conducted in institutions engaged in animal research
Institutional Animal Care and
Use Committee (IACUC)
True or False:
Animals involved in experiments must receive adequate physical and social care to stay healthy and comfortable. If drugs, surgery, or potentially painful procedures are involved, a researcher who is specially trained in the field (as well as a veterinarian) must closely supervise the animals.
Reporting on research is not considered a necessary part of the scientific process, nor is it an ethical matter. Researchers are not obligated to report their procedures and findings honestly and accurately.
False. Reporting on research is a necessary part of the scientific
process. It is also ethical matter. We report our procedures and findings honestly and accurately.
It is misrepresenting someone’s “ideas, words, or written work” as your own.