Lesson 2 - History & Development Flashcards
The guidance movement (school) formally started at the turn of the ______ _____
twentieth century.
He is rightfully called the “Father” of vocational guidance movement and of the guidance movement in general. He worked as a volunteer in the Civic Service House in Boston to observe maladjusted young men and women.
- Frank Parsons
- The US entry into ______ had brought the need for assessment of draftees, and they performed psychological assessments on a large group of people who have joined the call of the state, thus, beginning the standardized testing movement in the early twenty-first century.
World War I
- Early vocational guidance counselors were _______ appointed to assume the extra duties of the position in addition to their regular teaching responsibilities.
- In _________ guidance suffered a setback during World War II because young workers could readily obtain employment without vocational guidance.
Great Britain,
- In France, Vocational Guidance was given __________, when guidance services became established offices.
national recognition in 1922
- In ________, under the First Reich, vocational guidance enabled boys to find jobs and aided the government to relocate workers where they were needed.
- In _______, the vocational guidance bureau handles counseling programs.
- The US had a significant impact on counseling because?
Filipino counselors and psychologists often trained there.
endeavors to promote excellence, teaching, research, and the practice of psychology.
Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) 1962
PAP’s 1st annual national convention was held in
January 1964.
- The PAP publishes the ______________, an international refereed journal that aims to promote psychological studies in the Philippines and of the Filipino people.
Philippine Journal of Psychology
a professional organization for guidance counselors, supervisors, and counselor educators started in 1964 by a group of educators, psychologists, and counselors, some of whom were trained in the US.
Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association (PGCA)
- The most significant development in Philippine guidance and counseling is the _________. An Act intended to professionalize the practice of guidance and counseling in the country.
Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9258)
- Prior to ______, mental health workers did not need a license to practice nor was there a regulatory board to ensure adequate training and ethical practice.
- Psychologists followed suit through the _________, which will regulate psychology and create a professional regulatory board for licensing psychologists (Kabiling, 2010).
Philippine Psychology Act of 2009 (Republic Act No. 10029)
All educational institutions shall
…strengthen ethical and spiritual values, develop moral character and personal discipline, encourage critical and creative thinking, broaden scientific and technological knowledge, and promote vocational efficiency.
1897 Philippine Constitution
Article XIV, Sec 3, part 2:
The right to school guidance and counseling services for decisions and selecting the alternatives in fields of work suited to his potentialities.
BP 232 (Education Act of 1982)
Section 9. Right of Students in School
… the DepED, in coordination with the DOLE, the TESDA and the CHED, shall regularly conduct career advocacy activities for secondary level students.
RA 10533 (Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013)
SEC. 9. Career Guidance and Counseling Advocacy.
Career and employment guidance counselors, who are not registered and licensed guidance counselors, shall be allowed to conduct career advocacy activities to secondary level students of the school where they are currently employed;
Provided, that they undergo a training program to be developed or accredited by the DepED.
SEC. 27 - Prohibition Against the Practice of Guidance and Counseling
SEC. 28 - Right to Privileged Communication for Guidance Counselors
RA 9258 (Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004)
ARTICLE IV – Practice of Guidance and Counseling
Mental Health Services and
Mental Health Professional
RA 11036 (Mental Health Act of 2018)
Mental Health Services refer to psychosocial, psychiatric or neurologic activities and programs along the whole range of mental health support services including:
promotion, prevention, treatment, and aftercare, which are provided by mental health facilities and mental health professionals.
___________ refers to a medical doctor, psychologist, nurse, social worker, guidance counselor or any other appropriately- trained and qualified person with specific skills relevant to the provision of mental health services.
Mental Health Professional
(a) To institutionalize a career guidance and counseling program for students in all public and private secondary schools nationwide in order to provide them proper direction in pursuing subsequent tertiary education;
(b) To equip secondary education students with the capability to make educated career decisions and expose them to relevant labor markets; and
(c) To ensure graduates of tertiary education meet the requirements of the government, industry, and the economy.
RA 11206 (Secondary School Guidance and Counseling Act)
SEC. 3. Objectives. – This Act shall pursue the following objectives:
CGCP Centers
Career Guidance and Counseling Program
National Career Assessment Examination