Lesson 2- Functionalism KT Flashcards
What are the two causes of crime according to Durkheim?
Diversity in different lifestyles and inadequate socialisation
What is anomie?
normlessness, when social change occurs and existing norms become outdated
Why did anomie increase from pre-industrial to modern society?
in pre-industrial society communities were tight knit, there was stability in society
What two positives does Durkheim believe are attributable to crime?
- Boundary maintenance
- Adaptation and change
Give three criticisms of Durkheim’s theory
- Does not clarify how much deviance is right for society
- Society doesn’t create crime with the intention of strengthening social solidarity
- Only looks at what functions deviance performs for society as a whole and ignores how it might affect different groups or individuals within society
Name three other theorists that argue crime has positive functions
Give three other positive functions of crime according to the theorists identified in question
- Davis= prostitution is a safety valve for men’s sexual frustrations
- Polsky= pornography safely ‘channels’ a variety of sexual desires
- Cohen= deviance is a warning an institution in society is not functioning
What is ‘The American Dream?’
Main idea= anyone can achieve success by working hard
How does The American Dream cause strain according to Merton?
The American Dream is not realistic for everyone-> this causes pressure on alot of people
What are Merton’s 5 responses to strain?
- Conformity
- Innovation
- Ritualism
- Retreatism
- Rebellion
Which response is most likely to lead to legitimate success?
Which response is most likely to lead to illegitimate success?
Give three criticisms of Merton’s strain theory?
1.Too deterministic- only sees crime as a WC phenomenon
2.Assumes there is a value consensus- not everyone strives for ‘money success’
3.Only accounts for utilitarian crime
Which subculture did Cohen focus his study on?
Working Class boys
Why did Cohen’s working class boys feel anomie?
They felt that they were ‘bottom of the pack’
What did Cohen’s working class boys do to acquire their status?
Involve themselves in gangs/violence
What does Cohen’s theory attempt to explain that Merton’s doesn’t?
Status frustration- utilitarian crime, not do to with money such as vandalism or truancy
Give three criticisms of Cohen’s strain theory
- Marxism- ignores the crimes of the elite, like Merton he argues its a wc phenomenon
- assumes that wc boys start of sharing mc success goals- may have never had these goals in the first place
3.Feminism- fails to explain crime based on gender inequality
What are Cloward and Ohlin’s three subcultural groups?
- Criminal subculture
- Conflict subculture
- Retreat subculture
Which group is most likely to achieve material success illegitimately?- why
Criminal subculture- only in areas of stable criminal jobs- hierarchy’s, role models, training etc…
Which group are the double failures? Why?
Retreatism subcultures- they have failed both legitimately and illegitimately
Why are conflict subcultures more likely to develop in areas of high in/out migration?
Often high levels of social disorganisation leading to loosely organised gangs
Give three criticisms of Cloward and Ohlin’s theory
1.Ignores crimes of the wealthy
2.over-predicts the amount of working class crime
3. ignores crossover between different types of wc deviance different subcultures e.g. South- drug trade was found in wc gangs but also professional mafias
What is institutional anomie theory?
Messner and Rosenfeld- obsession with money success and ‘winner takes all mentality’ puts pressure towards crime, people are encourages to have an ‘anything goes’ mentality to earn
What is the link between higher state welfare provision and crime?
In socities based on free market capitalism and lacking inadequate welfare provision e.g. USA, high crime rates= inevitable