Lesson 2 Flashcards
Who are the Trobriand Islanders?
Studied by Malinowski. They live on the trobriand islands off the northeast coast of papa new guinea. They’re horticulturalists who live in traditional settlements. The social structure is based on matrilineal clans who control land and resources. Y
Who are the yolngu?
The Yolngu are an indigenous Australian people inhibiting the northern territory of Australia. They have unique kinship system which governs their lives including their ceremonies and marriages.
All the Yolngu are divided into two moieties. The dhuwa and the yirrtja (based on kinship). Each group is further divided and each within that division has its own land language totems philosophies and art styles.
Who are the haida?
The haida are indigenous nations of the Pacific Northwest coast of North America. There specially known for their seamanship and artwork esp woodcarvings
What are some haida artefacts?
Some haida artifacts include totem poles, ornate jewelry, Chilkat weaved items, and wooden carvings.
What is a yolngu artefact?
They are well-known for their fine paintings on bark. These paintings depict seemingly random patterns but to yolngu these patterns tell stories of the dreaming. They also depict a kin style only understandable to people of your kin.
What are trobriand islander artefacts?
People participate in an exchange of shells called kula, sailing to visit trade partners on seagoing canoes. Kula shells are considered more valuable when they are more red in color and when they make unique clinging noises. The shells develope a more red color as they are touched more by human hands. They are also known for their canoe prow designs their canoes would be carved and decoratively featuring animals like the goshawk which is known for its ability to catch a fish with its talons its these actions the trobriand islanders want to replicate.
What is the cross-cultural approach to understanding material culture by highlighting similarities and differences. Compare these examples with Western industrial society
What is idealism? Give an example
Objectification is the fact that humans have relationships with objects. Humans give meaning to objects through our thought processes however objects also inform humans and affect how we behave and many other factors. Humans defined themselves through objects as well as objects are defined by the humans they interact with!
What is objectification? Give an example
We know ourselves in relation to other things. The subject needs the object to exist. For example
What is historical materialism?
It’s an approach to the study of society economics and history first articulated by Karl Marx as the materialist conception of history. In historical materialism you look for the causes of developments and changes in human society in the means by which humans collectively produce the necessities of life social classes and the relationship between them plus the social structures and ways of thinking in society are founded on and reflect contemporary economic activity.
What is marxism?
Marxism is a socio economic and political worldview based on a materialist interpretation and world views of karl marx and friedrich engels.
How is capitalism associated with manufacturing, commodities, mass consumption, conspicuous consumption fashion and money
The invention of manufacturing allowed mass production of commodities to take place. This mass production allowed for more items to be consumed quicker than ever before. Because so many products became available for so cheap, fashion came about as a way to distinguish ones social rank from another. People would conspicuously consume, splurging on luxury good. Money allows us to perform transactions faster and more mindlessly.
What is Traditional vs modern heuristic device.
Traditionally anthropologists would compare other cultures to their own in a discriminatory fashion. Modern anthropologists compare cultures with one another but do not discriminate
Whats hegels main point?
How objective the case and demands thought beyond the subject
We know ourselves in relation to objects. Te subject informs the object