Lesson 2 Flashcards
According to him, a “system” is an arrangement of parts and their interconnections come together for a purpose
An arrangement of parts and their interconnections come together for a purpose
A collection of many parts such as the community, department or ministries of health, health care providers, health service organizations, pharmaceuticals companies, health financing bodies, and other organizations related to health
Health System
Serve as the interconnections of a health system
Function, such as governance, health care service provision, financing, and managing resources
He defined health system as “the combination of resources, organization, financing, and management that culminate in the delivery of health services to the population”
Roemer (1991)
All the organizations, institutions and resources that are devoted to producing health actions
Health System
They defined the health system as all the organizations, institutions and resources that are devoted to producing health actions
Word Health Organization (2000)
Defined as “any effort, whether in personal health care, public health services or through inter-sectoral initiatives, whose primary purpose is to improve health”
Health Action
Goals of a Health System
Improving the health of populations
Improving the responsiveness of the health system to the population it serves
Fairness in financial contribution
Improving the health of populations
Should be measured over the entire population and across different socioeconomic groups
Health Status
Include income, ethnicity, occupation, gender, geographic location and sexual orientation, among others
Sources Disparity
Represents the concept that the health system provides services in the manner that people want or desire and engages people as active partners
Embodies values of respectfulness, non-discrimination, humaneness and confidentiality
Maximize people’s autonomy and control, allowing them to make choices, placing them at the center of the health care system
Responsive Health System
Is one that does not deter individuals from receiving needed care due to payments required at the time of service and one in which each individual pays approximately the same percentage of their income for needed services
Fairly Financed Health System
Defined of a fairly financed health system is one that does not deter individuals from receiving needed care due to payments required at the time of service and one in which each individual pays
World Health Organization
The most visible product of the health care system
Health Care Provision
The assembling of essential resources for delivering health services
Managing Resources or Health Service Inputs
Sets the context and policy framework for the overall health system
Stewardship or overall system oversight
Entails collection of money to pay for health care
Revenue Collection
Refers to the collection and management of financial resources in a way that spreads financial risks from an individual to all pool members
Risk Pooling
Core function of health insurance mechanisms
Financial Risk Pooling
Most high-income countries follow one of the two main models:
Bismarck Model and Beveridge Model
The way most risk-pooling organizations or purchasers use collected and pooled financial resources to finance or buy health care services for their members
Strategic Purchasing
Those which deliver effective, safe, quality personal and non personal health interventions to those who need them, when and where needed, with minimum waste of resources
Service Delivery
One which works in ways that are responsive, fair, and efficient to achieve the best health outcomes possible, given the available resources and circumstances
Health Workforce
One that ensures the production, analysis, dissemination and use of reliable and timely information on health determinants, health systems performance and health status
Ensures equitable access to essential medical products, vaccines, and technologies of assured quality, safety, efficacy and cost effectiveness, and their scientifically sound and cost-effective use
Medical products, vaccines, and technology
Raises adequate funds for health, in ways that ensure people can use needed services, and are protected from financial
catastrophe or impoverishment associated with having to pay for them
Ensuring strategic policy frameworks exist and are combined with effective stewardship, coalition-building, provision of appropriate regulations and incentives, attention to system design, and accountability
Leadership and Governance
Health Financing Includes:
Risk pooling, revenue collection, and allocating revenue
Four Vital Health System Functions:
Health service provision, Health service inputs, Stewardship, and Health financing
Necessary in strengthening health systems and improving overall health outcomes
WHO Health System Framework
WHO health system Building Blocks
Service delivery, Leadership and governance, Financing, Products, vaccines, and technologies, Health Workforce, and Information