Lesson 2 Flashcards
Define victimololgy
Scientific study of victimization
DOD civilian EEO program
DoD Directive 1440.1
EEO discrimination complaints
AR 690-600
Harassment prevention & response in the Armed forces
DoD instruction 1020.03
Sexual assault & prevention & response office (SAPRO) was established when?
Military justice
Army command policy
If you harass me and im being sexually harrassed and im a green suiter what directive applies to me?
1350.2 DOD MEO program(harassment)(military)
DoD MEO Program
1350.2 (harassment)(military)
If you call me homophobic names and im a civilian what applies?
AR 690-600
What do i need to do to get credentialed
What are the 4 SHARP functions
- Program
- Prevention
- Response
- Training
SHARP function “Program” supports whom?
SHARP function “Prevention” supports whom?
SAPR program
DoD directive 6495.01
SAPR program procedures
DoD instruction 6495.02
DoD MEO program
DOD directive 1350.2
DoD directive 6495.03
Victim and witness assistance
DoD directive 1030.01