Lesson 19 Quiz Flashcards
in itself
per se
Miles se celavit.
The soldier hid himself.
Me audivi.
I heard myself.
We wounded ourselves.
Nos vulnerávimus.
Cultro me vulneravi.
I wounded myself with a knife.
Canis in flumen se jecit.
The dog threw himself into the river.
Give the four demonstrative pronouns.
is ea id
hic haec hoc
ille illa illud
iste ista istud
The reflexive pronouns have no ____ forms because they refer back to the ____, are always in the ____, and function as ____.
The reflexive pronouns have no** nominative** forms because they refer back to the subject, are always in the predicate, and function as object.
An intensive pronoun or adjective _ another word in the sentence.
An intensive pronoun or adjective emphasizes another word in the sentence.
The 1st and 2nd person reflexive pronouns have the same forms as the corresponding _____.
The 1st and 2nd person reflexive pronouns have the same forms as the corresponding personal pronouns.
The 3rd person reflexive pronouns are___.
sui, sibi, se, se
The 3rd person reflexive pronoun adjective is ____
suus -a -um
Give the 1st person reflexive/intensive pronouns in English.
myself, ourselves
Give the 2nd person reflexive/intensive pronouns in English.
yourself, yourselves
Give the 3rd person reflexive/intensive pronouns in English.
himself, herself, itself, themselves
centúrio centurionis m.
man, human being
homo hóminis m.
léctio lectionis f.
légio legionis f.
leo leonis m.
orátio orationis f.
order, rank, line, row
ordo órdinis m.
pássio passionis f.
tentátio tentationis f.
virgin, maiden
virgo vírginis f.
Hibérnia -ae f.
Helvétia -ae f.
Británnia -ae f.