Lesson 19 Flashcards
-는 것
A fact, an act
*a thing, an object, or stuff
- “Doing” something
- The act of “doing” something
- The thing which one “does”
- What one “does”
- The fact that one is “doing” or “does” something
Verb stem + -는 것
*takes many meaning
보는 것
To see
Seeing; the act of seeing; the thing which one sees; what one watches
가는 것
To go
Going; the act of going
먹는 것
Eating; the act of eating; the thing which one eats; what one eats
사는 것
To buy
Buying; the act of buying; the thing which ones buy; what one buys
산 것
What one bought
사는 것
What one buys
살 것
What one will buy
먹은 것
What one ate
먹는 것
What one eats
먹을 것
What one will eat
-는 것 vs-는 거
-는 것 is the standard form, but often at times the form -는 거 is used because it is easier to pronounce. It is not, however, ever used in very formal situations
지금 듣는 것은 노래예요
지금 듣는 거는 노래예요
What I am listening to now is a song
오늘 만나는 것 알아요
오늘 만나는 거 알아요
Do you know that we are meeting today?
매운 것 잘 먹어요?
매운 거 잘 먹어요?
Are you good at eating spicy food?
제 취미는 영화 보는 거예요
My hobby is watching movies
요즘 공부하는 거는 뭐예요
요즘 뭐 공부해요?
Recently, what is it that you are studying?
저는 친구랑 수다 떠는 거를 좋아해요
I like chitchatting with my friends
A: 남편한테 말했어요?
B: 뭐를요?
A: 밖에서 저녁 먹는 거요
B: 네, 말했어요
A: Have you told your husband?
B: what do you mean?
A: that you were going out to have dinner?
B: yes, I told him