Lesson 15: How little turtles know where to go Flashcards
migration in the north Atlantic gyre
- evidence that turtles use positional (map) information (not just compass information) from the Earth’s magnetic field
where does map information and earth’s magnetic field come from
the magnetic inclination angle and the magnetic intensity
where does compass information come from
the directionality (polarity) of the field lines
- inclination angle gets steeper as you move toward the poles
- intensity gets stronger as you move toward the poles
approaching the north pole
large inclination angle
near the equator
small inclination angle
is a line that we draw connecting all the points that are the same
- ex: everywhere along this (in the picture) inclination angle is the same: 60 degrees
- the line is called an isoline of inclination or an isocline
magnetic coil system
- with this coil system, we were able to control the INTENSITY and INCLINATION at the same time
the north atlantic gyre test
testing the idea that turtles can sense inclination angles and use them to figure out location
— 60 degree isoclinic in red at northern edge of gyre
– 30 degree isoclinic in red at the southern edge of gyre
response to the 60 degree inclination angle
- most went south
response to 30 degree inclination angle
- most went east to northeast
– east didn’t seem right – we only changed inclination – maybe they needed the field to be more realistic – not the full reaction
main take away from the inclination experiments
hatchling loggerheads can distinguish between different magnetic inclination angles and respond to them in ways that make sense
north Atlantic gyre testing: intensity
testing the idea that turtles can sense magnetic intensity to figure out their location
isolines of equal magnetic intensity
- intensity also increases as you go north and forms isolines
- everywhere along the line indicated – the intensity is the same: 45000 nt>
^^ this line is called isodynamic or isoline of intensity
isoline of intensity
tilt of lines
intensity lines are tilted relative to inclination lines so individual places in the ocean have unique combinations of intensity and inclination - each place has its own magnetic address