Lesson 15 Grammar Flashcards
PB + ने हुनाले (most used form)
because of doing S.T. (pres./habitual/future)
येशुलाइ परमेस्वर भन्ने हुनाले . . .
Because Jesus is called God . . .
PB + ने भएकोले
because of doing S.T. (pres./habitual/future)
PB + ने कारणले
because of doing S.T. (pres./habitual/future)
SB + एकोले
because of doing ST in the past (most used)
SB + एको हुनाले
because of doing ST in the past
SB + एको कारणले
because of doing ST in the past
हुनु पर्छ
should be, should have
including, together with
म समेत
including me, together with me
PB + न सक्नु
can do ST; able to do ST
PB + न सक्छ
ST may happen; might happen
हुन सक्छ
it might be, it could happen, it can happen
नहुन सक्छ
it might not happen
हुन सक्दैन
it can’t be; it’s not possible
हुनै सक्दैन
it can’t be; not possible (with emphasis)
. . . मा भर पर्नु
w/pron. the verb is conjugated
to depend on ST or SO
म किताबमा भर पर्छु
I depend on the book.
किताबा भर पर्छ
It depends on the book.
already; by . . . (by 2 pm)
SB + इहाल्नु
to do ST quickly, immediately
it happened quickly; don’t worry about (I’ll do it quickly)
that’s enough; it’s done (I’ll do it)
पछि लाग्नु
to follow
म तपाइको पछि लाग्छु
I am following you; I will follow you
पछि पर्नु
to be late in doing ST; to be behind in ST (I’m behind the others)
म नेपालि भाषा सिक्न पछि परेॅ
I’m behind in learning Nepali.
म ढिलो भएॅ
I am/was late
नै अर्को
distinctive, unique
वहाको काम नै अर्को छ
He has a unique job.
up to this much
यतिसम्म कि
to such an extent that