Lesson 14 Grammar Flashcards
SB + इराखेको छु
I am doing something
म खाइराख्थेॅ
I used to eat continuously
म खाइरहन्थे
I used to eat continuously
हो र ?
Really? Is that right?
छ र ?
Really? Is that right?
होइन र ?
Isn’t it? Isn’t that right?
छैन र ?
Isn’t it? Isn’t that right?
कहा हो र ?
No. Of course not.
कहा छ र ?
when asked a question (give me $100: ans: of course I don’t have that money)
Do you drink beer? कहा खान्छु र ?
Of course I don’t drink.
to lose; to get lost; to beat someone (games)
म हराएॅ
I am lost
हिजो म हराएॅ
Yesterday I got lost.
मेरो मोबाइल हरायो
I lost my mobile
तपाइले मलाई हराउनुभयो
You beat me. (you won)
to lose (competitions)
म हारेॅ
I lost (the game, bet)
to win
SB + इबस्नु
to continue doing ST; to keep doing ST
SB + इरख्नु
to continue doing ST; to keep doing ST
SB + इरहनु
to continue doing ST; to keep doing ST
खाइबस्नुस (imp. form)
Keep eating.
PB + दै + छ conjugation
-ing form (I am eating)
म खादैॅ छु
I am eating.
PB + दै + same v. conj. in the neg.
. . . not at all; absolutely not (used in all tenses)
म खॉदै खॉदिन
I will not eat at all / absolutely do not eat
म खॉदै खॉइन
I did not eat at all.
संग कुरा गर्नु
to talk to/with (always use संग and not लाइ )
पहिला म नेपालि मान्छेसँग नेपालि बोल्दै बोल्दिन्थेॅ
Before, I used to not speak Nepali at all to Nepali people.
मैले बोलेको
the thing I said/what I said
मैले भनेको
the thing I said/what I said
ऊ मैले बोलेको मान्दै मान्दैन
He doesn’t obey/follow what I said
PB + ने कोसिस गर्नु
to try to do something
PB + न खोज्नु
to try to do something
The न खोज्नु structure is used
in past tense form for all tense meanings
तपाइँ किन जान खोज्नुभयो
Why are you trying to go?/Why did you try to go?
PB + न खोजेको (for all pronouns)
-ing form; trying to do something
म पानि पर्ने आशा गर्छु
I’m hoping it will rain
मेरो बिचारमा पानि पर्छ
I think it will rain
SB = -इहेर्नु
try to do ST; try out ST
Please taste it
Please try it (eat)
SB + एकोमा
for doing something
आएकोमा धन्यवाद
Thank you for coming.
(तपाइँ form) inf + भएकोमा
for doing something
आउनु भएकोमा धन्यवाद
Thank you for coming
PB + ने निर्णय गर्नु
to decide to do ST
यो मेरो निर्णय हो
This is my decision.
यो कस्को निर्णय हो ?
Whose decision is this?