Lesson 1 Origin of The Universe and The Solar System Flashcards
study of the earth and its neighbor in space
earth science
science of earth
science of atmosphere
science of universe
science of oceans
narrative from genesis that states that what we have at the present came from a superior being—God/Deity
creation myth
hindu text describes universe as OSCILLATING, “cosmic egg”/Brahmanda that contains the whole universe expands out a single point (Bindu) and will collapse again
Anaxagoras believed that the original state of the cosmos was primordial mixture of all its ingredients
primordial universe theory
the universe was composed of small, indestructible, invisible atoms
atomic universe
who believed the atomic universe theory?
Leucippus & Democritus
earth is motionless in heaven and everything revolves around it
geocentric universe
who believed the geocentric universe theory?
Greek philosophers, Aristotle & Ptolemy
motion of celestial bodies could be explained without putting earth at the center of universe
heliocentric universe
who believed the heliocentric universe theory?
Nicolas Copernicus
-13.7 BYA there was nothing
- Great explosion occurred
- Space, time, matter, and energy in all directions
- Tiny compact point - Singularity
Big bang theory (1920)
who believed the Big bang theory?
Alexander Friedman & Georges Lamaitre
expansion of the universe
Inflationary Epoch (10-35s)
quarks, electrons, photons, neutrinos
Formation of the universe (10-6s)
Nucleosynthesis occur where protons + neutrons (the one that forms) + nuclei. H+ nucleic began to combine to from He Nucleic
Basic Elements formation (3s)
formed the cosmic microwave background radiation->radiation left from early development of the universe
radiation era (10000yrs)
radiation left over from early development of the universe
cmb radiation
lithium began to be formed, electrons joined with H and He nuclei to make small neutral atoms
matter domination (300000yrs)
areas of gas became denser and then collapsed resulting to ignition
stars and galaxies (300m yrs)
group of stars
galaxies move away from each other
there was a period of exponential expansion prior to the big bang expansion, during the rapid expansion, the size of the universe increased by a factor of approx. 1026 in only a fraction of a second
inflation theory
who proposed the inflation theory
alan guth, andrei linde, paul steinhart, andy albrecht
the universe is always expanding but maintaining constant average density
steady state theory
who proposed steady state theory
hermann bondi, thomas gold, fred hoyle. (1948)
theory that states that universe undergoes endless cycles of expansion and cooling, each beginning with a big bang and ends with a big crunch
oscillating universe theory
sees universe as one of the many bubbles that grew as part of a multiverse
multiverse theory
russian american physicist that developed multiverse theory
andrei linde
states that the planets were formed by the collision of the sun with a giant comet resulting debris formed planets
buffon’s collision theory
proposed buffon’s collision theory
george louis leclerc, comte de buffon (1707-1788)
states that the planets were formed from the substance that were torn out of the sun when a massive star passed near the sun, the materials condensed to form the planets
jeans jeffreys tidal theory
who proposed jeans jeffreys tidal theory
james hopwood jeans and harold jeffreys
great cloud of gas and dust called nebula begins to collapse because of gravitational pull
kant-laplace nebular theory
who proposed nebular theories
immanuel kant (1724-1804)
pierre simon laplace (1749-1827)
the solar system was formed as a result of condensation of hydrogen gas and dust called as the interstellar gas and dust cloud
due to the explosion of star called as supernova the cloud began to collapse due to gravity forming the sun and the planets
the present working model for the formation of the solar system
solar nebular/protoplanet theory
formed from the first stage of accretion of grain sized particles from the nebula
massive objects that are formed from the coalescing planetisimals
made up of rocks and are sometimes called minor planets
1st known asteroid
asteroids perturbed out of the asteroid belt and may come close to earth
near earth asteroids
composed mainly of ice
outermost region if the solar system where halley’s comets came from
kuiper belt
further than kuiper belt
oort cloud
earth like planets/inner planets
composed mostly of dense rocky metallic materials
have a molten heavy metal core few moons and topological features such as valleys volcanoes craters
terrestrial planets
what are the terrestrial planets
mercury venus mars and earth
jupiter like or gas planets
mostly made up of hydrogen and helium
jovian planets
what are the jovian planets
jupiter saturn uranus neptune
dwarf planet by international astronomical union
orbits the sun
has sufficient mass for irs self gravity
has not cleared the neighborhood around it