Lesson 1: Models of Communication Flashcards
“The art of communication is the language of leadership”
James Humes
Reflects the art of oneʼs thinking.
Art of communication
One of the major proponents of The New Rhetoric
James Berlin (1982)
“In teaching writing, we are not simply offering training in a useful technical skill that is meant as a simple complement to the more important studies of other areas.
James Berlin (1982)
Essential tools that help us analyze, critique, and negotiate
Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing
Essential tools that help us analyze, critique, and negotiate
Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing
Communication Models for the Study of Mass Communications
Dennis Mcquail Sven Windahl (2013)
Dennis Mcquail Sven Windahl book
Communication Model for the study of Mass Communication
“A model seeks to show the main elements of any structure or process and the relationship between these elements…it helps in explaining by providing in a simplified way information which would otherwise be complicated or ambiguous.”
Dennis Mcquail Sven Windahl (2013)
In this model, explains that speakers should adjust their messages according to their audience and the occasion to achieve a particular effect.
Aristotle’s Model of Communication
Aristotle’s communication model is a ——— as the speaker has the most important role in it and is the only one active.
speaker-centered model
Aristotle developed a ——— model for oral communication known as Aristotle’s Model of Communication.
linear communication
This is considered as the first model of communication and was proposed before 300 B.C . It is also the most widely accepted among all communication models.
Aristotle’s Model of Communication
Aristotle Model is mainly focused on
Speaker and Speech
5 primary elements of Aristotle’s Model of Communication
There are few criticisms around this model. Some of them are:
-There is no concept of feedback, it is one way from speaker to audience.
-There is no concept of communication failure like noise and barriers.
-This model can only be used in public speaking.
American mathematician, Electronic engineer and an American scientist both join to write an article in “Bell System Technical Journal” called “A Mathematical Theory of Communication”.
Shanon Weaver
“Bell System Technical Journal” called “A Mathematical Theory of Communication” and called as
“Shannon-Weaver model of communication”.
called as “Shannon-Weaver model of communication”.
“Bell System Technical Journal” called “A Mathematical Theory of Communication”
This model is specially designed to develop the effective communication between sender and receiver.
Shanon-weaver Model of Communication
Factors which are affecting the communication process
Factors which are affecting the communication process
• Concept of noise helps in making the communication effective by removing the noise or problem causing noise.
• This model takes communication as a two-way process. It makes the model applicable in general communication.
• Communication is taken as quantifiable in Shannon Weaver model.
• It can be applied more for interpersonal communication than group communication and mass communication.
• Receiver plays the passive part in the communication process as sender plays the primary role that sends messages.
• Feedback is taken as less important in comparison to the messages sent by the sender.
• The model is taken by some critics as a “misleading misrepresentation of the nature of human communication” as human communication is not mathematical in nature.
Built on the theory that communication is a two-way street, a sender and a receiver.
Osgood-Schramm Model
Built on the theory that communication is a two-way street, a sender and a receiver.
Osgood-Schramm Model
Popularized the notion that communication was circular rather than linear, meaning that it required two participants taking turns sending and receiving a message.
Charles Egerton Osgood
In this model, pay attention to the role of the interpreter.
Osgood-Schramm Model
There are times when the sender and the receiver may apply different meanings to the same message, and this is termed
Semantic Noise
Builds this theory about the interpreter into the different fields of experience of the sender and the receiver.
Second model of Osgood Schramm Model
For the message to reach the receiver, there must be common field of experience between the sender and the receiver.
Osgood-Schramm Model
For the message to reach the receiver, there must be common field of experience between the sender and the receiver.
Osgood-Schramm Model
For the message to reach the receiver, there must be common field of experience between the sender and the receiver.
Osgood-Schramm Model
It is possible to begin at any of the stages outline in his model.
Eugene White’s Stages of Oral communication.
Since it is a circular model, it means that oral communication is continuous process with no real beginning or end.
Eugene White’s Stages of Oral communication.
The most important contribution from
Eugene White’s model is the concept of