LESSON 1 Flashcards
why study health education?
• it is vital to practice of prevention
• it is the channel for reaching the people and alerting them to the doctors services and to all other community health resources
• a health educated person is well aware of his own responsibility and ot the steps he himself must take to receive the full benefits of prevention at all levels
aims of health education
- health promotion and disease prevention
- utilization of available health services
- early diagnosis and management
objectives of health education
- to increase knowledge of the factora that affect health
- to encourage appropriate use of health services especially preventive services
3.to encourage behavior which promotes and maintains health - to enlist support for public health measures, and when necessary, to press for appropriate governmental action
- to inform the public about medical advances, their uses and their limitations
principles of health education
- supported by latest knowledge of research
- systematic, comprehensive and consistent activity
- adapted t age, gender, educ. etc
- encourages personal investment
- respects environmental /culture of an individual
historical foundations of the nurse educator role
- health educ has long been considered a standard care giving role of the nurse
- patient teaching is recognized as an independent nursing function
- nursing practice has expanded to include education in the broad concepts of health and ilnness.
- first observed health teaching as an important function within the scope of nursing practice
- responsible for identifying course content for curriculum on principles of teaching and learning
responsible for establishing standards and qualifications for practice, including patient teaching
endorses health education as an essential component of nursing care delivery
university includes teaching within the scope of nursing practice
state nurse practice acts
accreditation mandates require evidence of patient education to improve outcomes
patient’s bill or rights ensures that clients receive complete and current information
- put forth a set of health profession competencies for the 21st century
- over one half of recommendations pertain to importance of patient and staff education
- the org provides education that supports patient and family participation in care decisions and care processes
- education and training help meet patients’ ongoing health needs
- education methods consider the patient’s and and family’s values and preferences and allow sufficient interaction among the patient, family and staff for learning to occur
patient and family education
what are the trends affecting health care?
- social, economic and political forces that affect a nurses role in teaching are:
• growth of managed care
• increased attention to health and well being of everyone in society
• cost containment measures control
• concern for continuing education as vehicle to prevent malpractice and incompetence
• expanding scope and depth of nurses
• consumers demanding more knowledge and skills for self care
• demographic trends influencing type
• recognition of lifestyle related diseases
• health literacy increasing required
• advocacy for self help groups
purposes, benefits and goal of patient, staff and student education
purpose: to increase the competence and confidence of patients to manage their own self-care and of staff and students to deliver high quality care
benefits: to increase consumer satisfaction, improves quality of life and ensures continuity of care
benefits of education to staff
- enhances job satisfaction
- improves therapeutic relationships
- increases autonomy in practice
- improves knowledge and skills
benefits of preceptor education for nursing students
- prepared clinical preceptors
- continuity of teaching/learning from classroom curriculum
- evaluation and improvement of student clinical skills
goal: to increase self care responsibility of clients and to improve quality of care delivered by nurses
a systematic, sequential, planned course of action on the part of both the teacher and learner to achieve the outcomes of teaching and learning
education process
a deliberate intervention that involves sharing information and experiences to meet the intended learner outcomes
a change in behavior (knowledge, skills and attitude) that can be observed and measured, and can occur at any time or in any place as a result of exposure to environmental stimuli
the process of helping clients learn health related behaviors to achieve the goal of optimal health and independence in self care
patient education
the process of helping nurses acquire knowledge, attitudes, and skills to improve the delivery of quality care to the consumer
staff education
a useful paradigm to assist nurses to organize and carry out the education process
assure model
assure model means
analyze the learner
state objectives
select instructional methods and materials
use teaching materials
require learner performance
evaluate/revise the teaching learning process
nurses function in the role of educator as
- the giver of information
- the assessor of needs
- the evaluator of learning
- the reviser of appropriate methodology
• the partnership philosophy stresses the participatory nature of the teaching and learning process
barriers to teaching are those factors impeding the nurses ability to optimally deliver educational services
this includes:
- lack of time to teach
- inadequate preparation of nurses to assume the role of educator with confidence and competence
- personal characteristics
- low priority status given to teaching
barriers to education includes:
- environments not conducive to the reaching learning process
- absence of 3rd party reimbursement
- doubt that patient education effectively changes outcome
- inadequate documentation system
are those factors that negatively impact on the learner’s ability to attend to and process information
this includes:
1. limiter time due to rapid discharge from care
2. stress of acute and chronic illness, anxiety and sensory deficit
3. functional health illiteracy
4. lack of privacy or social isolation
5. situational and personal variations in readiness to learn and compliance learning style
6. denial of learning things
7. complexity, inaccessibility of the healthcare system