LESSON 1 Flashcards
“Know Thyself ”
Philosophy employs the inquisitive mind to discover the ultimate causes,
reasons and principles of everything. It goes beyond the scientific investigation
by exploring all areas of knowledge such as religion, psychology, politics,
physics, and even medicine. Hence, the etymological definition of philosophy
“love of wisdom” could pertain to the desire for truth by formulating never
ending questions to provide answers to every inquiry about the nature human
existence. The nature of the self is a topic of interest among philosophers.
Know Thyself - Socrates
“An Unexamined Life Is Not worth living”
the self issynonymous with the soul.
He believesthat every human possess an immortalsoul thatsurvivesthe physical body.
Socrates was the first to focus on the full power of reason on the human self: who we are,
who should be, and who we will become.
He was the first to focus on the full power of reason on the human self: who we are,
who should be, and who we will become.
is changeable, transient and imperfect.
Physical Realm
is unchanging, eternal, and immortal. On the other hand, the
unchanging, eternal, perfect realm includes the intellectual essences of the universe,
conceptssuch astruth, goodness, and beauty
Ideal Realm
He explains that the essence of the self-the soul is the immortal entity. The soul strives for
wisdom and perfection, and reason isthe soul’stool to achieve this exalted state. But then aslong as
the soul is tied to the body, the quest for wisdom is inhibited by the imperfection of the physical
realm, where it wanders and is confused.
Socrates thus suggests that man must live an examined life and a life of purpose and value. For
him, an unexamined life is not worth living. The individual person can have a meaningful and
happy life only if he becomes virtuous and knows the value of himself that can be achieved through
incessantsoulsearching. He must begin at the source of all knowledge and significance—-the self.
The Socratic Method- the so called introspection, is a method of carefully examining one’s thoughts
and emotionsto gain self-knowledge.
He suggests that man must live an examined life and a life of purpose and value. For
him, an unexamined life is not worth living. The individual person can have a meaningful and
happy life only if he becomes virtuous and knows the value of himself that can be achieved through
incessantsoulsearching. He must begin at the source of all knowledge and significance—-the self.
the so called introspection, is a method of carefully examining one’s thoughts
and emotionsto gain self-knowledge.
The Socratic Method
the so called introspection, is a method of carefully examining one’s thoughts
and emotionsto gain self-knowledge.
The Socratic Method
The Self Is An Immortal Soul
The Self Is An Immortal Soul
believes that the self is synonymous with the soul.