lesson 1 Flashcards
searching for a theory, for testing theory, or for solving
a problem.
defines scientific research as “ systematic, controlled,
empirical and critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about
the presumed relations among natural phenomena.”
Kerlinger (1973)
seeks to gain new knowledge and understanding of fundamental principles, without immediate consideration for its practical application
Basic research
seeks to solve practical problems and enhance the existing body of knowledge by developing new procedures, products, or methodologies, often with direct, real world application.
Applied research
The broad subject matter area to be investigated
Research Topic
The educational issue or problem within a broad topic area
Research Problem
A statement of the intent or objective of the study
Research Purpose
An interrogative sentence that asks a question about ___________
Research Question
Reading Habits
Research Topic
Majority of the students are performing poorly in Mathematics
Research Problem
To study the motivation that will entice students to read
Research Purpose
What are the ways to encourage students to read frequently?
Research Question
is essentially an unanswered
question or unresolved problem in a field.Which
reflects a lack of existing research in that space.
Research Gap
A type of research gap that emerges when there’s a new concept or
phenomenon that hasn’t been studied much.
Classic Literature Gap
A type of research gap that emerges when there are contrasting or
contradictory findings in the existing research regarding a specific
research question ( or set of questions).
Disagreement Gaps