Lesson 1 Flashcards
defined as the residues from the
growing and processing of raw
agricultural products such as fruits,
vegetables, meat, poultry, dairy
products, and crops
Agricultural Waste
non-product outputs of production
and processing of agricultural
products that may contain material
that can benefit man but whose
economic values are less than the
cost of collection, transportation, and
processing for beneficial use
Agricultural Waste
Agricultural Wastes
Animal waste
Food Processing Waste
Crop Waste
Hazardous and Toxic Agricultural Waste
It is estimated that about _______
tonnes of agricultural waste is
produced yearly.
998 million
Organic waste can amount up to ____
Agricultural development is usually
accompanied by ____ from the irrational
application of intensive farming methods and
the abuse of chemicals used in cultivation
_____ is usually
accompanied by wastes from the irrational
application of intensive farming methods and
the abuse of chemicals used in cultivation
Agricultural development
According to
an estimate made by the Plant Protection
Department (PPD), about ___ of the
chemicals remain in their packaging
Plant Protection Department
Contamination may leak or enter the
environment through ___and thereby
affecting the environment.
____ play
an important role in maintaining the
productivity and quality of plants.
Gases that can cause Air pollution from livestock waste
H2S( hydrogen sulfide)
In livestock waste, water volume
accounts for _____ of total volume
One major waste generated from aquaculture
Metabolic waste
Existing bio-energy conversion
Direct combustion
Biomass carbonization and densification