Lesson 1 Flashcards
Who is known as the Father of Motor Skill Research?
Franklin Henry
What did Franklin Henry research?
Measures of reaction time sensitive to motor task complexity.
What does the Power Law of Practice state? What is an example?
The more practice the better we get.
Over time they were better at the amount of cigars they were making.
What is a disadvantage to the Law of Practice?
You don’t have unlimited time to practice. This is why motor skill learning is important to speed up skill acquisition.
What is motor performance?
End product of a purposeful, problem-solving event.
What can you do in the autonomous stage that you can’t do in the cognitive stage.
You can adapt to the environment, speed and do dual-task startegies.
Where does unconscious processing take place?
In the basal ganglia and subcortical cortex.
What is the difference between fast and slow learning?
Slow phases hit somewhat or a plateau and fast learning is rapid and performance is constantly changing.
What determines the length of time spent in a learning stage?
Duration of the stage is task dependent.
What happens during consolidation?
Stabilisation of motor memory, where neural processes start and continue after practice to facilitate long term retention of motor skills.
What is the warm-up dectrement?
Nervous system needs time to prepare for overcoming events. Thinking about how to perform a motor skill.
What is a learning variable?
Performance influenced in a relatively permanent way.