Legionellosis Flashcards
Is legionellosis nationally notifiable?
Yes. Urgent response.
What causes legionellosis?
Legionella species bacteria.
L. pneumophilia and L. longbeachae
Ubiquitous environmental organisms. Imporant causes of CAP and HAP.
How is legionella transmitted?
Inhalation of contaminated aerosols of water/dust.
Pneumophilia - air-conditioning cooling towers, whirlpool spas, showers, fountains
Longbaechae - garden soil, potting mix
What are the clinical features of legionellosis?
Spectrum of disease.
Mild (cough. fever)
Severe (rapid progressing pneumonia, multi-organ failure)
Who are high-risk groups for legionellosis?
Elderly, chronic disease, immunocompromised, smokers.
What are the case definitions for legionellosis?
Confirmed: lab definitive + clinical
Probable: lab suggestive + clinical
Clinical = fever, cough pneumonia
Lab definitive = isolation, urinary antigen, seroconversion
Lab suggestive = single high titre, NAT, DFA
How is legionellosis diagnosed?
- Urinary antigen testing
- Serology
- Culture
Reference lab: VIDRL - typing, genotyping
What is the incubation period for legionellosis?
5 - 6 days (average)
Generally 2-10; outliers 1-28
What is the infectious period for legionellosis?
NA - no person-person transmission.
What is the outbreak definition for legionellosis?
Cluster = 2 + cases linked geographically
Outbreak = 2 + cases linked in time with epi evidence of common source (or 1 nosocomial)
Where can Legionella bacteria be found naturally?
Ubiquitous in environment - soil / water.
Thrive in closed water systems (20-43 C).
How is legionellosis from water sources prevented?
Minimise risk in cooling towers and warm water sources through maintenance, water quality, education of building operators, legislation, enforcement.
Use sterile water to clean rebuliser medication chambers and to prepare aerosol solutions for use in nebulisers and humidifiers.
How is legionellosis from soil sources prevented?
Education - gardening hygiene (gloves, handwashing, moistening potting mix, warning labels)
Who regulates cooling towers in Tasmania?
Local councils under the Public Health Act 1997
What are some resources to manage legionellosis from a public health perspective?
CDNA SoNG, Tas DoH protocol
How are cases of legionellosis managed?
- Contact clinician
- Interview case (sx, rfs, exposure hx 2-10 days prior,
- Map movements - hospital, RACF, shops, malls, pools, spars, cinemas, clubs, car was, humidifer/nebuliser use, travel, gardening)
How are contacts of legionellosis managed?
Active case-finding if suspected workplace source, cluster/outbreak or if case spent incubation period in high-risk setting (hospital/RACF), or if high-risk source identified e.g. cooling tower.
What is the environmental management of legionellosis?
- Environmental evaluation
- Check cooling tower registers
- Test suspected cooling towers/other sources
- Disinfection of source in accordance with regulations
Who are some other stakeholders that may need to be involved in legionellosis management?
IPC teams in healthcare settings
What are some additional considerations in a legionella outbreak?
- Map case movements
- Urgent environmental evaluation
- Match case and environmental isolates
- Active surveillance - GP/ID/Resp/ED for CAP
- Communications