Legal Terms Chapter 39 - Divorce Procedure Flashcards
An allowance made to a divorced spouse by a former spouse for support and maintenance; also called spousal support.
The voluntary submission to the court’s jurisdiction, either in person or by an agent.
Bilateral foreign divorce
A divorce that occurs when both parties make an appearance in a foreign state or country.
Child support
The legal obligations of parents to contribute to the economic maintenance of their children; also called maintenance.
An agreement between a husband and wife that one of them will commit a marital offense so that the other may obtain a divorce as a defense in a divorce action.
A doctrine stating that the courts of one jurisdiction will give effect to the laws and judicial decisions of another jurisdiction, not as a matter of obligation, but out of deference and respect.
The forgiveness of a matrimonial offense as a defense in a divorce action.
The plaintiff’s secret cooperation in the commission of a marital wrong which is a common law defense in a divorce action.
Custody of children
The care, control, and maintenance of children.
Divorce court’s decision because it was traditionally a decision of a court of equity; old term, now called judgment.
Divided custody
Custody in which the child lives with each parent part of the year, the other parent usually having visitation rights, but not control of the child during that period.
A person’s permanent place of abode to which the person intends to always return.
Freed from parental control.
Equitable distribution laws
Laws that give courts the power to distribute property equitably between the parties.
Ex parte foreign divorce
A divorce that occurs when one spouse appears in a foreign jurisdiction, and the other spouse does not appear and fails to respond to the notice of divorce or service of process.
Foreign jurisdiction
A jurisdiction, such as another state or country, other than that in which a current litigation is taking place.
The place of litigation.
Full faith and credit clause
A clause in the U.S. Constitution Article VI requiring each state to recognize the laws and court decisions of every other state.
Interlocutory decree
A provisional or temporary decision of a court that becomes final at the end of a stated period unless a valid reason is shown for not issuing it.
Joint custody
Custody in which the child lives with each parent part of the year, the other parent usually having visitation rights, but not control of the child during that period.
Judgment nisi
A provisional or temporary decision of a court that becomes final at the end of a stated period unless a valid reason is shown for not issuing it.
A pleading to begin divorce action; old term, now called complaint for divorce/dissolution.
The plaintiff in a divorce action; old term, now use plaintiff or petitioner.
The defendant in a divorce action; old term, now use defendant or respondent.