Legal Terms Chapter 27 - Principle Clauses in a Will Flashcards
A male appointed by the court to administer the estate of an intestate decedent.
A female appointed by the court to administer the estate of an intestate decedent.
Attestation clause
A written instrument promising the payment of a sum of money if certain duties are not performed.
One who legally has the care and management of the property, but not the person, of someone who is incompetent.
Dispositive clauses
The clauses in the will that state exactly what each beneficiary is to receive; main part of the will.
A person’s principal place of abode; the place to which, whenever one is absent from it, one has the present intent of returning.
A male nominated in a will of a decedent to carry out the terms of the will; a personal representative of an estate. In some jurisdictions, also represents a female representative.
In some jurisdictions, a female nominated in a will of a decedent to carry out the terms of the will; a personal representative of an estate.
Exordium clause
The introductory paragraph of a will; also called the publication clause.
A person in a position of trust who has a duty to act in the best interest of others, such as an executor, guardian and trustee.
One who legally has the responsibility over the care and management of the person, or person and property, of a minor or someone who is incompetent.
Guardian ad litem
Guardian for the suit; a guardian appointed by a court to protect a minor who brings or defends a lawsuit.
Incorporation by reference
Making a second document part of the first document by referring to it in the first document and stating the intention of including it.
In terrorem clause
A clause in a will that attempts to disinherit any legatee, devisee, or beneficiary who contests the provisions of the will; also called no-contest clause.
No-contest clause
A clause in a will that attempts to disinherit any legatee, devisee, or beneficiary who contests the provisions of the will; also called in terrorem clause.
Per annum
By the year.
Per autre vie
For or during another’s life.
Per capita
Per head.
Per centum
By the hundred.
Per curiam
By the court.
Per diem
By the day.
Per formam doni
By the form of a gift.
Per fraudem
By fraud.