Legal System 1: Statutory Interpretation Flashcards
What are the different types of law?
Public law
- regarding functioning of state and its relationship to individuals
Private Law
- governing relationships between individuals
Criminal Law
- intervenes in actions of individuals which the state deems harmful
Civil Law
- intervenes in relationship between individuals when they go awry
Substantive Law
- governs adjudication
Procedural Law
- how the adjudication of disputes operates
Structure of an Act of Parliament
Short title
- short name that is most commonly referred to
- ie Offensive Weapons Act (2019)
- number given
- ie 2019 c. 17
Long Title
- usually describes the purpose and can be aid in interpretation
- ie: Act to make provisions for, and in connection with, offences relating to offensive weapons
Date of Royal Assent
- when receives makes a Bill an Act
- fixed block of text conferring the authority of the Crown upon the Act making it law
- subsections of an act
- individual provisions of an Act sequentially numbered
Marginal Notes
- internal aids of short notations which may appear above or alongside each section of an act to give insight
- breaches down numbers sections into sub-bullet points
Extent Provisions
- define the situation in which the law applies
Enabling Provisions
- may defer the act from coming into force unlit relevant minister produces regulations giving that provision effect
What are works of authority
For example textbooks can be used as an aid to interpretation
What are the approaches/rules of interpretation used for statutory interpretation? (general)
Literal Rule
Golden Rule
Mischief Rule
Purposive Rule
What is the literal rule and when is it used
Court will take a literal interpretation
- if words in statute have clear meaning court will apply them as written
- if there is some ambiguity the court will give words their ordinary meaning (even if it yields an absurd result)
What is the golden rule and when is it used?
Used if ordinary meaning of a word would given an absurd result.
To avoid absurdity court may use a different meaning of word.
What is the mischief rule?
Courts look at what problem the statute was designed to remedy and adapts the word of the statute to achieve this result.
What is the purposive rule?
Accompaniment to the mischief rule but looks at why the statute exists as well as what it hopes to achieve.
Look at for them using material other than legislation
- Hansard (debates)
- Commons Briefing Papers
- Explanatory Notes
What are the rules of language used in interpretation?
Expression Units est Exclusion Alterius
- expression of one thing is the exclusion of another
Noscitur a Socks
- a word is interpreted by the company it keeps
In Pari Materia
- upon the same matter or subject
Ejusdem Generis
- of the same type
What is Expression Units est Exclusion Alterius
expression of one thing is the exclusion of another
- if one or more things of a class are expressly mentioned the things not mentioned are excluded
What is Noscitur a Sociis
a word is interpreted by the company it keeps (associates with)
- courts consider the context in which a word is used
What is In Pari Materia
upon the same matter or subject
- can be applied where other statutes may assist with interpretation an ambiguity in the statute concerned
What is Ejusdem Generis
of the same type
used to interpret general words, meaning if a general word follows two or more specific words the general word will only apply to items that are like the specific words used
What are the presumption used in statutory interpretation?
- a presumption against allowing statutes to alter the common law
- a presumption against removing the court’s jurisdiction
- a presumption that ambiguity in a criminal case will fall in favour of the defendant
- a presumption that statutes cannot be retrospectively applied
CAN be rebutted by express words in AoP (obv)
What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic aids to interpretation of AoP? When are they used?
- statute itself
- must be considered and read as whole before using extrinsic aids
- outside the statute itself
Examples of aids to interpretation?
short title, long title, preamble, marginal notes, punctuation, examples and schedules
- dictionaries, explanatory notes, Hansard (parliamentary debates)
What is an adversarial system?
- opposing parties offer legal arguments
- judge serves as umpire ensuring they follow procedural rules
What might extent provisions do?
Define situations in which the law applies
- if it applies to devolved areas
What might enabling provisions in an AOP do?
Detail when it comes into effect
- can be different for different sections
- can be dependant on relevant minister producing relation to give it effect
- can be dependant on relevant devolved legislatures bringing regulation