Contract 1: Offer Flashcards
Must contracts be in writing?
Only contracts for:
- Guarantees
- for sale or other disposition or land
- consumer credit agreements
And Deeds
What are the requirements for a deed?
- in writing
- makes clear it is intended as deed
- executed by both parties in presence of witness
- delivered (“delivered as deed on X date”)
What must be included in an offer?
- Clear and certain offer and intention to create legal relations
- Should not have “may” or “might”
- Must be communicated to offeree
What is a unilateral offer?
- Promise to do something if offeree does something in return
- Acceptance only through performance
What are examples of things that are not offers?
- Responses to requests for information
- Adverts / price lists
- displays of goods for sale
- invitations to tender
- price quotations
- auction sales (depending on sequence of events)
When is offer and acceptance for auctions?
- auctioneer’s request for bids is an invitation to treat
- Bids are offers
- Fall of hammer makes auctioneers acceptance of offer final
Without Reserve Offers (2 contracts)
- bilateral contract proceeds on the usual analysis of an auction sale whereby the bidder makes an offer
- unilateral contract based on the promise that the auction will be without reserve. If a reserve is not applied and the goods are withdrawn from sale there is a breach of this unilateral contract and the highest bona fide bidder is entitled to be compensated not, however, entitled to the goods
When does an offer terminate (offeror)?
- communicating revocation to offeree
- if offeree receives correct information, from a reliable source, of acts of the offeror which would indicate to a reasonable
- Eg. Told that by reliable 3rd party that offereor has just sold goods to someone else
What might prevent termination of offer from offeror?
- If there is a collateral contract to keep original offer open (requires consideration)
- Offer irrevocable if performance is begun in unilateral offer (although no contract until finished)
- Acceptance of bilateral contract offer by performance (if no prescribed form of acceptance)
When is offer terminated by offeree?
- effective when received by offeror
Counter Offer
- form of rejection
Lapse of Time
- either specified or depending on what is reasonable
By operation of law
- death of offeror or offeree
- destruction of subject matter
- illegality
- failure of any condition of offer
What are conditions for accepting of an offer?
Must be in response to offer
- from person who was given offer (or agent)
Must be unqualified
Must be in prescribed mode of acceptance
- can include by conduct if offeror is aware
- cannot be silence
What are the requirements to accept with prescribed mode of acceptance?
Only mandatory if:
- clear words are used an other modes are excluded
Otherwise can use other method that is no less advantageous to offeror
How are unilateral offers accepted?
- only when performance is complete
- offeree must give notice within reasonable time after completion
When does postal rule apply?
Acceptance by post
- creates contract at moment of posting (in a post-box or hand of qualified postman)
- letter not properly addressed
- it was not reasonable to use use post
- postal rule is expressly disapplied in offer
does the postal rule apply to instantaneous methods of communication?
- contract only formed on delivery/receipt
If both sides try to use own standard forms for contract, which are used?
Last one to make offer on their terms (with out it being rejected) wins
- or last before performance
Prevail Clause
- Means clause stating that their terms will apply
- rarely effective as cancelled out by counter offer
When is there an intention to create legal relations?
Re-Buttable Presumption against
- domestic situations
- social situations
Re-buttable presumption for
- commercial situations
Can can you rebutt presumption of intention to create legal relations?
- Objective evidence
- if commercial context
- where friends/family enter race or competition together
Cannot rebut
- if one party knows other party had no such intentions
How can you rebutt presumption of intention to create legal relations?
- Must be clear and unambiguous evidence to contrary
- Can be rebutted in the contract itself (ie. “subject to contract” or “binding in honour only”.)
- Oral statement in anger may also be enough
When does a minor have capacity to enter contract?
Contract for Necessary goods/services
- suitable to the conditions in life of the person concerned;
- suitable to their actual requirements at time of sale and devilry.
Contract for Employment
- if terms are to their benefit
Certain contracts for acquisition of permanent interest in property
- unless they expressly repudiate contract
What happens if minor enters contract without capacity?
- may have to return property if considered just and fair
- can ratify contract once 18
When is someone mentally in-capable of entering contract?
Means they are unable to:
- understand the relevant information
- retain the relevant information
- use the relevant information; or
- communicate the decision
What happens if contract is entered by someone lacking metal capacity?
- Contract voidable if other party knew they lacked capacity.
- Can ratify upon recovery
- Contract entered into for necessary goods/services at a reasonable price
What are the rules for someone entering contract whilst intoxicated?
Same rules as metal incapacity