Legal Aspects Pertaining to Animals Flashcards
Dog Licenses (WI)
Requirements all throughout WI:
* Minimum $3 for spayed female/neutered male
* Minimum $8 for intact animal
* Municipalities can increase these, but intact must cost more
Use of License Fees
- One use is to cover dog damages to domestic animals
- Owner is responsible if ownership can be shown
Who Owns the Deer in WI?
State of WI owns all animals (exception: pests - rats, etc)
If someone poaches a deer out of season, they get a fine
- Required to keep wild animals
- Will specify species and control requirements
- Restricted animals can only be sold to other people with permits
State vs. Federal (Migration)
- Migratory species are protected under federal statutes
- Non-migratory species are usually under state and local statutes
- May need separate permits for different species
What is an Animal? (according to state)
- Living, warm-blooded creatures except humans
- Reptiles
- Amphibians
Motor Vehicles
- Illegal to shoot or harass animals from vehicle
- Illegal to drive or pressure animal with snowmobile or ATV (except farm operations)
- Illegal to lead animals with motor vehicles
Animal Fighting
Illegal to incite fighting
* dogs
* cocks
* bulls
Illegal to train for fighting
Illegal to gamble on fights
Illegal to be a spectator at fights
Artificially Colored Chicks
- Illegal to sell them
- People were buying chicks for the novelty, then getting rid of them as soon as they lost their color
Owner Responsibility
- Must provide adequate care: food, water, shelter, ventilation
- Illegal to abandon an animal
- “Small animals” must be protected from predators
- Illegal to use “performance-altering” drugs
Madison Ordinances
Chickens are allowed
* Limit of 4
* Hens only
* No slaughtering
* Must be confined
Swine are specifically prohibited (and many other animals)
Cat Owners Ordinance Requirements - Madison
- cats must be currently vaccinated for rabies
- cat must wear rabies vaccination, cat license, owner identification tags
- cats must be leashed when off owner’s property
- cats must not be allowed to run-at-large or trespass on public or private property
- cat litter must be free of feces before placing in trash - must be buried or flushed down toilet
Dog Owners Ordinance Requirements - Madison
- keep dog’s rabies vax and dog license current
- dogs must wear current rabies, license and owner ID tags
- keep dog leashed when off your property unless you are within off-leash exercise areas
- obtain and display Park Permit anytime your dog is in a park in which dogs are allowed
- Do not allow your dog to trespass on private properties
- dogs are not allowed on school grounds, beaches, or public cemeteries
- do not allow dog in any park where dogs are prohibited
- prevent your dog from injuring any person, property or other animal
- never allow your dog to bark at, intimidate, attack, or threaten another pet or person
- report to Health Dept any bite incident in which your dog is involved, whether your dog bites a person, is bitten by, or fights with a wild animal or stray pet
Dangerous Animal Law (Madison)
Reasonable grounds to believe an animal is dangerous are that the animal:
* has attacked, bitten or injured another animal or human being engaged in a lawful activity
* has chased, confronted, approached a peron in menacing fashion off the property of its owner
* has been trained for fighting or attack and is being handled in manner that causes an owner to know it can pose a threat to public safety
Dangerous Animal Requirements (Madison)
- Animal must be spayed/neutered
- Must be microchipped that declares dangerous animal
- Must be current w/rabies vax
- must comply w/all license requirements
- must post signs at all entrances “Beware dog”
- off property, must be leashed and muzzled at all times
- outside, on property, must be supervised by adult or kept in very specific locked enclosure
Feeding Birds (Madison)
- Illegal to feed birds on public property
Laws throughout country
- Appreciate cultural differences
- May vary from state to state: ex. “no-ferret” laws
- Federal laws against interfering w/animal research
- Importation protections