legacies of historical globalization Flashcards
what is a legacy
is something that has been passed on by those who lived in the past
what are some examples of legacies?
- political structure: parliament
- building and monuments
- oral history
- cultural tradition
- celebration
what is eurocentrism?
is a form of ethnocentrism which uses European ethnic, national, religious, and linguistic criteria to judge other people and their culture
what is an example of Eurocentrism?
when Canadas prime minister told B.C that they must remain a white mans country, when asian immigrants were trying to unite their families.
what was the Chinese head tax?
was when the asian workers had to pay to bring their families in.
how did language effect the legacies of globalization
Forcing indigenous peoples to speak their the English language has left a major legacy of globalization
- e.g… English spoken around the world, French spoken in Africa, Spanish spoken in Central and South America
how did displacement effect the legacies of globalization?
European imperialists forced people away from their land; colonists needed there own land so they took the indigenous peoples
- They disregarded Indigenous peoples lifestyle, beliefs and traditions.
Europeans drew political borders that failed to take into account indigenous peoples ethnicity, culture, religions, etc.
This has led to wars, unrest and violence in many former colonies
what effects did depopulation cause?
- slavery
- indentured labor ( form of labor in which people worked without wages in exchange for passage to another country or location)
- Famine and Disease
What are ways Imperial Powers have changed colonies or left their legacies?
- Languages- Canada now speaks English and French.
- Religion- Catholic missionaries in South America
how did the monopoly with India and the British trade make profit?
by trading cotton, tea and spices such as pepper and ginger.
what was the only way to protect the monopoly that grew between India and Britain
in order for this to happen the Britain company formed political alliances with traditional Indian rulers
- The company relied on the Indian rulers to persuade their subjects to co-operate with the company and keep goods flowing smoothly.
what was the raji?
- was where the British East India company often used brutal business practices such as high taxes on the people;le of India and corruption of company officials.
- Due to this the British government took over direct rule of India, which was known as Raji or in “rule”
Cotton and Deindustrialization in India
As the industrial Revolution grew in Britain, manufactures needed raw materials.
They also needed markets to sell their surplus manufactured goods to people in British colonies.
Therefore colonies were a sources of raw resources and markets.
One of the largest industries in Britain at the time was the textile industry.
what did the British industry do to protect themselves and avoid competition in India and what was the result ?
In order to avoid this competition and protect British Industry the British government enacted law that banned the import of cotton form India.
- As a result deindustrialization which is the loss of industry occurred in India
who was Mohandas Gandhi?
Mohandas Gandhi successfully led India to independence in 1947.
He used the strategy of peaceful non-co-operation, which is based on the idea of being self-sufficient.
Gandhi believed that every Indian should be self-sufficient.
He viewed cotton as a powerful symbol of British oppression and Indians’ desire for self-sufficiency and independence.
what did Gandhi suggest to solve the problem of unemployment and to show the British that they were self-sufficient?
Gandhi suggested that Indians hand-spin cotton thread to make their own cloth.
If Indians wore homespun cotton they would free themselves of the need to buy British-made cloth and would solve the unemployment problem.
how did globalization effect culture?
indigenous people of the land were forces to change their religion and were sent to residential schools
and christianity changed the lives of the people who adopted it.