Leg and Foot Alignment Flashcards
For anterior cruciate ligament sprains and strains focus on _____ strength.
Focus on hamstring strength when working with _____ sprains and strains.
anterior cruciate ligament
For posterior cruciate ligament sprains and strains focus on _______ strength
Focus on quadricep strength when working with ________ sprains and strains
posterior cruciate ligament
For lateral ankle sprains focus on ____, _____, ____ _____, and _____ strength.
peroneal, posterior tibialis, toe flexor and extensor strength
Focus on peroneal, posterior tibialis, toe flexor and extensor strength when working with _____ sprains.
lateral ankle
Genu Valgum or commonly known as
knock knees
Genu Varum or commonly known as
If a Q angle is less than 10 degrees, this is considered
genu varum (bow legged)
If a Q angle is more than 10 degrees, this is considered
genu valgum (knock knees)
When working with genu valgum strengthen the muscles that support the _____ knee (4)
medial, vastus medialis, adductors, medial hamstrings, and tibialis posterior
When working with genu valgum stretch the muscles that stress the ____ side of the joint (3).
lateral, hip external rotators, vastus lateralis and bicepts femoris
When working with genu varum strengthen the muscles that support the ____ knee. (4)
lateral, abductors, vastus lateralis, IT band, lateral hamstrings
When working with genu varum stretch the muscles that stress the ____ knee joint. (3)
medial, gracilis, sartorius, medial hamstrings
Fairly common pattern of internally rotated femurs accompanied by an externally rotated tibia and pronation of the feet.
Malicious malalignment
When working with malicious malalignment work to lengthen the _____, _________ and _______.
adductors, abductors and peroneals
Occurs when the ligaments in the kee are loose enough to allow the knee to extend beyond a full 180* exxtension and often is accompanied by an imbalance between quadriceps and the hamstrings.
Genu Recurvatum (Hyper extended knees)
Genu recurvatum is commonly known as
hyperextended knees
Lateral patellar tracking usually indicates weak _____ knee muscles especially the vastus medialis and a tight ______
medial, vastus medialis, iliotibial band
When dealing with lateral pateller tracking issues, teach the client to feel for the contraction of the _____ and to make it fire as soon as possible.
vastus medialis (process also known as quad sets)
Tibial torsion occurs when the tibia ____ rotates relative to the femur causing the feet to be more ______ rotated than the knees.
externally, externally