Left Realist Theory: Flashcards
What are left realist three main concepts?
Relative deprivation.
What is relative deprivation?
People feel deprived in relation to others, the media influences that wealth and success are normal in society. This puts pressure on the working class which leads to them committing crime to acquired the materials they cant offered.
What are subcultures?
They are a group of collective response to relative deprivation and feel status frustrated (cohen) due to blocked opportunitie, who wants material wealth but lack legitimate means to achieve these goals.
What is marginalisation?
Individual in society who lacks the resources to participate in society therefore they feel cut off from society and feel resentment and frustration.
What does left realist say that influences relative deprivation?
Social media, shows people what they cannot access which has contributed to a criminal perspective. E.g. Teenager sees add online for laptop over and over again that they cannot afford, they will experience economic exclusion which leads them to crime.
What do left realist believe is the cause of crime?
Left realist believe the main cause of crime are margalisation,relative deprivation, and subcultures.
2 criticism of left realist:
- Doesn’t talk about the victims affected by the crimes.
- Doesn’t talk about inequality in the capitalist society.
Two ways of controlling crime by improving policing:
- The police should listen to local communities.
- Prefer community policing rather than right realist zero tolerance approach.