LEED BD+C Credits Flashcards
IP Preq. 1: Integrative Project Planning and Design
Develop a health mission statement and incorporate it in the OPR. Include goals and strategies. Create a LEED action plan to determine LEED Certification level to pursue, select LEED credits to meet that level, and identify responsible parties to selected credits.
IP Credit 1: Energy and Water-RElated Systems
Starting in pre-design and continuing, identify and use opportunities to achive synergies. Steps include: Discovery (perform a preliminary energy and water analysis before schematic design)(Assess at least 2 potential energy saving strategies and potential non potable water supply sources and water demand volumes), Implementation( document how the analysis informed the OPR&BOD, demonstrate on on-site non potable water supply source used.
LT Credit 1: LEED for Neighborhood Development
Locate the Project within the boundary of a development certified under LEED for NEighborhood Development.
LT Credit 2: Sensitive Land Protection Opt 1
Locate the development footprint on land that has been previously developed
LT Credit 2: Sensitive Land Protection Opt 2
Locate the development footprint on land that has been previously developed or that does not meet the criteria for sensitive land. Prime farmland. Flooplain subject to 1% or greater chance. Habitat for endangered species. Waterbodies within 100ft. Wetland within 50 ft.
LT Credit 3: High Priority Site Opt. 1
Locate the project on an infill location in a historic district
LT Credit 3: High Priority Site Opt. 2
Locate the project on one of the following: Site listed by EPA National Priorities List. Federal Empowerment Zone. Federal Enterprise Community Site. Federal Renewal Community site. Department of the Treasury Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Qualifies Low Income Community. Site in US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. Local Equivalent
LT Credit 3: High Priority Site Opt. 3
Locate on a brownfield where soil or ground cover contamination has been identified, and where the local, state or national authority requires its remediation.
LT Credit 4: Surrounding Density
Locate on a site whose surrounding existing density within 1/4 mile radius is 22,000sqft or FAR of 0.5 or 7 (DU/acre)
LT Credit 4: Diverse Uses
Construct or renovate a building or a space within a building such that the main entrance is 1/2 mile walking distance of the main entrance of four to seven or eight or more existing diverse uses
LT Credit 5: Access to Quality Transit
Locate any functional entry of the project within a 1/4 mile walking distance of existing or planned bus, streetcar or rideshare stops, or within a 1/2 mile walking distance of existing or planned bus rapid transit stops, light or heavy rail stations, commuter rail stations, or commuter ferry terminals. Qualified transit routes must have paired route service in opposite directions.
LT Credit 6: Bicycle Facilities
Design or locate the project such that functional entry or bicycle storage is within a 200-yard walking distance or bicycling distance from a bicycle network that connects to at least one of the following: at least 10 diverse uses, a school or job center, or transit stops. (must be within 3 miles bicycling distance)
LT Credit 6: Bicycle Facilities Commercial
Provide long term bicycle storage for at least 5% of all regular building occupants and 2.5% for peak visitors. But no fewer than 4
LT Credit 6: Bicycle Facilities Residential
Provide short-term bicycle storage for at least 2.5% of all peak visitors but no fewer than 4 storage spaces. Provide 30% long term bicycle storage , but no less than one storage space per unit.
LT Credit 7: Reduced Parking Footprint
Projects that have not earned points under LT Surrounding Density and Diversity Uses or LT Access to Quality TRansit must achieve a 20% reduction. Otherwise if either credit is achieved a 40% reduction is required.
LT Credit 8: Green Vehicles
Designate 5% of spaces for green vehicles. A discounted parking rate of at least 20% for green vehicles is an acceptable substitute.
LT Credit 8: Green Vehicles EVSE
Install electrical vehicle supply equipment in 2% of all parking spaces used by the project. Must be provided in addition to preferred spaces. Provide a level 2 charging capacity. Comply with regional standards. Be networked or internet addressable.
LT Credit 8: Green Vehicles Liquid, Gas, or Battery Facilities
Install liquid or gas alternative fuel fueling facilities or battery stations for 2% of spaces.
SS Preq. 1: Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
Implement an Erosion and Sedimentation Control ESC Plan that addresses soil loss during construction by storm water, sedimentation of storm sewer, and airborne dust
SS Preq. Environmental Health Assessment (Schools & Healthcare)
Conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment as described in ASTM to determine whether environmental contamination exists at the site. If the site is contaminated, remediate the site to meet local, state, or national environmental protection.
SS Credit 1: Site Assessment
Complete and document a site survey or assessment that includes the following: Topography, Hydrology, Climate, Vegetation, Soils, Human Use, Human Health Effects
SS Credit 2: Site Development- Protect or Restore Habitat - On-Site Restoration
Preserve and protect from all development and construction activity 40% of the greenfield area within the LEED Site Boundary and Restore 30% of all portions of the site identified as previously developed. Projects that achieve a density of 1.5 floor-area ratio may include vegetated roof surfaces.
SS Credit 2: Site Development- Protect or Restore Habitat - Financial Support
Provide financial support equivalent to at least $0.40 per square foot for the total site area. Financial support must be provided to a nationally or locally recognized land trust within 100 miles of the project.
SS Credit 3: Open Space
Provide outdoor space greate than or equal to 30% of the total site area. A minimum of that outdoor space must be vegetated. The outdoor space must be physically accessible and be one or more of the following. For projects that achieve a density of 1.5 floor-area ration the vegetated roofs can be used toward the minimum 25% vegetation requirement.
SS Credit 4: Rainwater Management - Percentile of Rainfall Events
Path1 - 95th Percentile manage on site the runoff from the developed site using low-impact development (LID) and green infrastructure. Path2 98th Percentile using LID and green infrastructure Path3 Zero lot line - 85th Percentile
SS Credit 4: Rainwater Management - Natural Land Cover Conditions
Manage on site the annual increase in runoff volume from the natural land cover condition to the post-developed condition.
SS Credit 5: Heat Island Reduction - Nonroof and Roof
Meet the following criterion: Install plants to provide shade, Provide shade with structures covered by generation systems, provide shade with vegetated structures, use paving material with a three-year SRI at least .28, use an open-grid pavement system
SS Credit 5: Heat Island Reduction - Parking Under Cover
Place a minimum of 75% of parking spaces under cover. Any roof must have a three-year aged SRI of at least 32, be vegetated, covered by energy system.
SS Credit 6: Light Pollution Reduction
Meet uplight and light trespass requirements, using either the BUG method or the calculation method.
SS Credit 7: Site Master Plan (Schools)
The project must achieve at least four of the following six credits. LT: Hight Priority Site SS: Site Development-Protect or Restore Habitat SS:Open Space SS: Rainwater Management SS:Heat Island Reduction SS: Light Pollution Reduction
SS Credit 8: Tenant Design & Construction Guidelines ( Core & Shell)
Publish for tenants an illustrated document to all tenants. Tenants do not have to follow.
SS: Credit 9: Places of Respite (Healthcare)
Provide places of respite that are accessible to patients and visitors, equal to 5% of the net usable area. Provide additional dedicated places of respite for staff, equal to 2% of the net usable area.
SS Credit 10: Direct Exterior Access (Healthcare)
Provide direct access to an exterior courtyard, terrace, garden, or balcony. The space must be at least 5 square feet per patient for 75% of inpatients and 75% of outpatients.
SS Credit 11: Joint Use of Facilities (Schools) - Make Building Space Open to the General Public
Ensure at least 3 of the following types of spaces in the school are available to the public: Auditorium, Gymnasium, Cafeteria, Classroom, Playing field and stadium, Joint parking
SS Credit 11: Joint Use of Facilities (Schools) - Contract with specific organizations to share building space
Ensure at least 2 of the following types of spaces in the school are available to the public: Commercial Office, Health Clinic, Community Service Centers, Police Office, Library / Media Center, Parking Lot, Commercial Business
SS Credit 11: Joint Use of Facilities (Schools) - Use Shared Space Owned by Other Organizations
Ensure at least 2 of the following types of spaces in the school are available to the students: Auditorium, Gymnasium, Cafeteria, Classrooms, Swimming Pool, Playing fields and stadium
WE Preq. 1: Outdoor Water Use Reduction Opt 1
No irrigation Required - show that the landscape does not require permanent irrigation beyond a max of two-yea period
WE Preq. 1: Outdoor Water Use Reduction Opt 2
Reduced Irrigation - Reduce the projects landscape water requirement by at least 30% from the baseline. Reductions must be achieved through plant species and irrigation systems efficiency.
WE Preq. 2: Indoor Water Use Reduction
For the fixture and fittings, reduce aggregate water consumption by 20% from the baseline. All newly installed plumbing fixtures must be Watersense. Install appliances, equipment, and processes within the requirement.
WE Preq. 3: Building-Level Water Metering
Install permanent water meters that measure the total potable water use for the building and associated grounds. Metered data must be compiled into monthly and annual summaries. Commit to sharing the results with USGBC for 5-year period.
WE Credit 1: Outdoor Water Use Reduction Opt. 1
Reduce outdoor water use through no irrigation beyond a maximum two-year establishment period.
WE Credit 1: Outdoor Water Use Reduction Opt. 2
Reduce the projects landscape water requirement (LWR) by at least 50% from the calculated baseline for the peak watering month. Reductions must be made through plant species selection and irrigation system efficiency.
WE Credit 2: Indoor Water Use Reduction
Further reduce fixture and fitting water use from baseline. Additional potable water savings can be earned using alternative water sources.
WE Credit 2: Indoor Water Use Reduction EXEMPLARY PERFORMANCE
Reduce indoor water consumption by 55%
WE Credit 3: Cooling Tower Water Use
For cooling towers and evaporative condensers, conduct a one-time potable water analysis, measuring at least five control parameters.
WE Credit 4: Water Metering
Install permanent water meters for two or more of the following water subsystems: Irrigation, Indoor Plumbing, Domestic hot water, Boiler water, Reclaimed water, Other Process Water
EA Preq. 1: Fundamental Commissioning & Verification
Verify that the project’s energy-related systems are installed, calibrated and perform according to the OPR and BOD.
EA Preq. 2: Minimum Energy Performance -Opt1 Whole Building Energy Simulation
Demonstrate an improvement of 5% for new construction projects in the proposed building performance rating compared to the baseline.
EA Preq. 2: Minimum Energy Performance -Opt2 Prescriptive Compliance
Comply with the mandatory and prescriptive provisions of ASHRAE 90.1. Comply with HVAC service water heating requirements.
EA Preq. 2: Minimum Energy Performance -Opt3 Prescriptive Compliance Advanced Buildings
Comply with the mandatory and prescriptive provisions of ASHRAE 90.1. Comply with Section 1: Design Process Strategies, Section 2: Core Performance Requirements, and Section 3: Enhanced Performance Strategies. The project must be less than 100,000 sq. ft.
EA Preq. 3: Building-Level Energy Metering
Install new or use existing building-level energy meters, or submeters that can be aggregated to provide building-level data representing total building energy consumption. Commit to sharing the data for a five year period. At a minimum, energy consumption must be tracked at one-month intervals.
EA Preq. 4: Fundamental Refrigerant Management
Do not use CFC-based refrigerants in new systems. When reusing existing equipment complete a phase out of all CFC before project completion.
EA Credit 1: Enhanced Commissioning Opt1 - Enhanced Systems Commissioning
Complete the following commissioning process for mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and renewable energy systems.Including an ongoing commissioning plan and review the building operations 10 months after substantial completion. OR/in addition to develop monitoring-based procedures and identify points to be measured and evaluated to assess performance of energy and water-consuming systems.
EA Credit 1: Enhanced Commissioning Opt2 - Envelope Commissioning
Fufill the Preq. and complete the commissioning process for the buildings thermal envelope. Including an ongoing commissioning plan and review the building operations 10 months after substantial completion.
EA Credit 2: Optimize Energy Performance Opt1 - Whole Building Energy Simulation
Follow the energy modeling criteria from the Preq. to demonstrate a percentage improvement compared to the baseline.
EA Credit 2: Optimize Energy Performance Opt2 - Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide
Implement and document compliance with the applicable standards in Chapter 4: Design Strategies and Recommendations by Climate Zone for the appropriate ASHRAE 50%
EA Credit 2: Optimize Energy Performance EXEMPLARY PERFORMANCE
Achieve a percentage improvement in energy consumption compared to the baseline of 54%
EA Credit 3: Advanced Energy Metering
Install advanced energy meters for all whole building energy sources, any individual energy end uses that represent 10% of building consumption.
EA Credit 4: Demand REsponse - DR Available
Participate in an DR program with real-time, fully automated DR. Enroll in a minimum of one year DR contract with the intention of multiyear renewal for at least 10% of the estimated peak electricity demand.
EA Credit 4: Demand Response - DR not available
Provide infrastructure to take advantage of future demand response programs or dynamic, real-time pricing programs and complete the following activities.
EA Credit 5: REnewable Energy Production
Use renewable systems to offset building energy costs. Use the building’s annual energy cost calculated in EA Preq. Minimum Energy Performance Opt1. otherwise use CBECS to estimate energy use.
EA Credit 6: Enhanced Refrigerant Management Opt1 - No Refrigerants or Low Impact Refrigerants
Do not use refrigerants or use only refrigerants that have an ODP of zero and a GWP of less than 50
EA Credit 6: Enhanced Refrigerant Management Opt2 - Calculation of Refrigerant Impact
Select refirgerants that are used for equipment to minimize or eliminate the emission of compounds that contribute to ozone depletion
EA Credit 7: Green Power & Carbon Offsets
Engage in a contract to offset at least 50% or 100% of the projects energy from green power, carbon offsets, or RECs. Use the building’s annual energy cost calculated in EA Preq. Minimum Energy Performance Opt1. otherwise use CBECS to estimate energy use.
MR Preq. 1: Storage & Collection of Recyclables
Projects must provide an area of the building to dedicate to recycling. And provide areas for the safe disposal of batteries, mercury lamps, and electronic waste
MR Preq. 2: Construction & Demolition Waste Management
Develop and implement a construction and demolition waste management plan that includes: Waste diversion goals for at least five material streams. Specify whether material will be commingled or separated. A final disposal and diversion rate report
MR Preq. 3: PBT Source Reduction -Mercury (Healthcare)
Identify the types of mercury, how they are handled in the recycling program and the disposal method.
MR Credit 1: Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction Opt1 - Historical Building Reuse
Maintain the existing building structure, envelope, and interior elements of a historic building
MR Credit 1: Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction Opt2 - Renovation of Abandoned or Blighted Building
Maintain at least 50%, by surface area, of the existing building structure, enclosure, and interior elements. Up to 25% of the building surface area may be excluded from the credit calculation because of damage.
MR Credit 1: Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction Opt3 - Building and Material Reuse
Reuse or Salvage building materials from off site or on site as a percentage of the surface area. Surface area includes increments of 25%, 50%, and 75%
MR Credit 1: Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction Opt4 - Whole Building Life-Cycle Assessment
For a new construction, conduct a life cycle assessment of the project’s structure and enclosure that demonstrates a minimum of 10% reduction, compared to the baseline building in at least three of the six impact categories.
MR Credit 2: Building Product Disclosure & Optimization - Environmental Product Disclosure Opt1 - EPD
Use at least 20 different permanently installed products sourced from at least five different manufacturers.
MR Credit 2: Building Product Disclosure & Optimization - Environmental Product Disclosure Opt2 - Multi-Attribute Optimization
Use products that comply with one of the criteria below for 50%, by cost, of the total value of permanently installed products in the project. Criteria inculde: Third-party certified. USGBCS approved. Products within 100 miles are valued at 200% and structure and enclosure materials may not count more than 30% of the products.
MR Credit 3: Building Product Disclosure & Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials Opt 1 - Raw Material Source and Extraction Reporting
Use at least 20 different permanently installed products from at least five different manufacturers that have been publicly released from their raw material supplier. Products from manufacturers count as 1/2. Approved Corporate Sustainability Reports came from the following: GRI, Organization for Economic Co-Operation Development , UN Global Compact, ISO 26000, USGBC approved
MR Credit 3: Building Product Disclosure & Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials Opt 2 - Leadership Extraction Practices
Use products that meet at least one of the responsible extraction criteria for at least 25%, by cost, of the total value. Responsible extraction includes: Extender producer responsibility, Bio-Based Materials, Wood Products, Material Reuse, Recycled Content, USGBC approved program.
MR Credit 4: Building Product Disclosure & Optimization Opt1 - Material Ingredient Reporting
Use at least 20 different permanently installed products from at least 5 manufacturers that use any of the following programs to demonstrate the chemical inventory of the product to as least 0.1%. Manufacturer Inventory, HPD, Cradle to Cradle or USGBC approved program
MR Credit 4: Building Product Disclosure & Optimization Opt2 - Material Ingredient Optimization
Use products that document their material ingredient optimization using the paths below for at least 25% by cost, of the total vlaue of permanently installed products. Greenscreen v1.2 Benchmark, Cradle to Cradle certified, REACH, USGBC approved program
MR Credit 4: Building Product Disclosure & Optimization Opt3 - Product Manufacturers Supply Chain Optimization
Use building products for at least 25% by cost, of the total value of permanently installed products in the project that: Are sourced from manufacturers with risk programs or independent third party verification.
MR Credit 7: Furniture & Medical Furnishings (Healthcare) Opt 1- Minimal Chemical content
All components that constitute at least 5% by weight of furniture must contain less than 100 parts per million of at least four of the five chemical groups.
MR Credit 7: Furniture & Medical Furnishings (Healthcare) Opt 2 - Testing and Modeling of Chemical Content
Salvaged and reused furniture more than one year old at the time of use is considered compliant.
MR Credit 8: Design for Flexibility (Healthcare)
Increase building flexibility and ease of adaptive use over the life of the structure by employing at least three of the following: interstitial space, soft space, shell space, horizontal expansion, vertical expansion, above grading parking, demountable partitions, movable casework.
MR Credit 9: Construction & Demolition Waste Management Opt 1 - Diversion
Recycle and or salvage nonhazardous construction and demo materials. Calculations can be by weight or volume. Divert at least 50% and Three Material streams. OR Divert 75% and Four Streams
MR Credit 9: Construction & Demolition Waste Management Opt 2 - Reduction of Total Waste Material
Do not generate more than 2.5 pounds of construction waste per square foot of the building floor area.
MR Credit 9: Construction & Demolition Waste Management Opt 1 - Diversion EXEMPLARY PERFORMANCE
Divert at least 95% of construction and demolition materials
EQ Preq. 1 : Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Opt1 - ASHRAE Standard 62.1
For mechanically ventilated spaces meet the minimum requirements of ASHRAE 62.1
EQ Preq. 1 : Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Opt2 - CEN Standards
Projects outside the US may meet the Comite European de Normalization Standard EN 15251-2007 and CEN 13779-2007
EQ Preq. 2: Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control
Prohibit Smoking inside the building . Designated smoking areas must be at least 25 feet from all entries, outdoor intakes, and operable windows. Signage must be posted 10ft from entrance.
EQ Preq. 3: Minimum Acoustic Performance (Schools) Opt1
Achieve a maximum background noise level of 40dba from equipment. Each room must have a total surface area of acoustic material that equals or exceeds the total ceiling area of the room. Acoustic material must be 0.70 or higher.
EQ Preq. 3: Minimum Acoustic Performance (Schools) Opt2
Confirm through calculations described in ANSI that reverberation time has been met.
EQ Credit 1: Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies Opt1 - Enhanced IAQ Strategies
Install permanent entryway systems at least 10 ft long. Sufficiently exhaust each space where hazardous gases or chemicals may be present. Each ventilation system that supplies outdoor air must have filters (MERV 13 or higher , CLass F& or higher) CISBE compliance
EQ Credit 1: Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies Opt2 - Additional Enhanced IAQ Strategies
Confirm entry of pollutants at outdoor air intakes have been minimized through fluid dynamic modeling, gaussian dispersion analyses, wind tunnel modeling, or tracer gas. Increase breathing zone outdoor air intakes by at least 30% above the minimum. Monitor CO2 concentrations. Follow CIBSE flow chart.
EQ Credit 2: Low Emitting Materials Opt1 - Product Category Calculations
Achieve the threshold level of compliance with emissions and content standards for the number of product categories.
EQ Credit 2: Low Emitting Materials Opt2 - Budget Calculation Method
If some products in a category do not meet the criteria, the budget calculation method can be used. The budget method uses six assemblies : flooring, ceilings, walls, thermal and acoustic insulation, furniture, exterior applied product (Schools/Healthcare)
EQ Credit 3: Construction Indoor Air Management Plan
Implement IAQ Management Plan- Follow SMACNA guidelines, MERV 8 for air handlers, prohibit smoking
EQ Credit 4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment Opt1 - Flush-Out
Supply a total air volume of 14,000 cubic feet OR Supply a minimum of 3,500 cubic feet of outdoor air until 14,000 is achieved beginning at least 2 hours prior to occupancy. Once the space is occupied 0.3 cubic feet per min of air must be delivered
EQ Credit 4: Indoor Air Quality Assessment Opt2 - Air Testing
After construction ends and before occupancy conduct a baseline IAQ test. If any tests fail, take corrective action and retest.
EQ Credit 5: Thermal Comfort Opt1 - ASHRAE Standard 55-2010
Design heating, ventilating, and air conditioning and the building envelope to meet ASHRAE Standard 55
EQ Credit 5: Thermal Comfort Opt2 - ISO and CEN Standards
Design HVAC systems and the building envelope to meet the requirements of ISO 7730:2005 or CEN Standard EN 15251:2007. Provide individual comfort controls for at least 50% of individual occupant spaces.
EQ Credit 6: Interior Lighting Opt1 - Lighting Control
For at least 90% of individual occupant spaces provide individual lighting and for all shared multi-occupant spaces.
EQ Credit 6: Interior Lighting Opt2 - Lighting Quality
Choose four of the following: Regularly occupied spaces use 2,500 luminance, Entire project use CRI of 80 or higher, 24,000 rated life of lights for 75% total, Direct overhead light 25%,
EQ Credit 7: Daylight Opt1 - Simulation: SDa and ASE
Provide manual or automatic flare control devices. Demonstrate through computations that SDa achieves 55%, 75%, or 90% autonomy. AND demonstrate through annual computation that annual sunlight exposure of no more than 10% is achieved.
EQ Credit 7: Daylight Opt2 - Simulation Illuminance Calculations
Demonstrate through computer modeling that illuminance levels will be between 300 and 3000 lux for 9am and 3pm at both equinox.
EQ Credit 7: Daylight Opt3 Measurement
Achieve illuminance levels between 300 lux and 3000 lux for the floor area indicated in the table in the Reference Manual
EQ Credit 8: Quality Views
Achieve a direct line of sight to the outdoors via glazing for 75% of regularly occupied spaces. Additionally 75% of spaces must have multiple lines of sight, views with at least two of the following: flora, movement, objects 25 from the exterior. Unobstructed views. Views with a view factor of 3 or greater. Views into the interior atria may count up to 30%
EQ Credit 9: Acoustic Performance
Comply with design criteria for max HVAC noise. Meet the composite sound transmission. Meet the reverberation time requirements. Have a minimum sound level of 70dba. Provide sound reinforcement in spaces with occupancy over 50 persons.
IN Credit 2: LEED AP
At least one LEED AP must be principal participant
IN Credit 1: Innovation
Achieve a significant, measurable strategy not addressed already in LEED. Achieve one pilot credit. Achieve exemplary performance in an existing preq. or credit.
Regional Priority
Earn up to four of the six Regional Priority credits. Identified by the USGBC Regional councils and chapters. One point per regional priority credit.