Lectures Pre Midterm Flashcards
Hidden knowledge from general viewer. Only available to people allowed
Example closing your blinds so your neighbour won’t see you.
Entertainment, sleight of hand fooling the audience
Forces of energy
Magic(k) Compared to Electricity
Same as electritcity you can see the light but not the electricity. Magic(k) is a force and it is neutral.
Name 5 Types of Witches
- Anthropology: the use of witch as a witch doctor
- Historical: When being a witch was bad, witch burning and stealing mans penis
- Religious: :”Wiccan” statement of your faith group, your spirituality
- Feminist/ Goddess Worshipers: Movement to the political issue
- Satanist: People who are accused or self identified as satins
Scared origin story it is believed as true by the people of that nation or religion
concrete word, univocal
language of sacred mythology, language of poetry, metaphoric
Abrahamic Faiths… falls ;)
3 religions judaism, christianity, muslim
story that are told with small phenomenon (local), semi-true
Folk Tale
Understood by the listener as being UNTRUE
Your world view, sacred origin story, study of different world view
Our value, how we keep ourself spiritually upright
Abortion Example
mythology: all life is sacred
cosmology: when/ what is life
axiology: our value of when a baby is considered “baby”
All things have God’s existence in it, define presence (all of spiritual world)
“God is in heaven” outside of ur experiences
On the edge, on the boundary. Times in your life when you are out of power.
All witches are female and usually old. Women wouldn’t call themselves that it was an accusation. Witch hunt did not happen in the middle ages or the dark ages it was in the renaissance and reformation
Oath breaker “waer loga”
Wizard/ Magician
Men, old, did not have negative connotation , had positive impact. Source of their power was wisdom, which comes from study. Can be a self appointed title thought can be given. Was carrer.
Both male and female, any age, neutral. Manipulated faith, tried to predict future. It was inherited (ex. cookbook)
Hunter Gatherer
Networks of extended family (small unit). Know the area geographically. Don’t stay in one place, only got together once a year with other family members and friends. Not monotheistic
Agrarian/ Agriculture
Stay in one place with long houses, choose their environment. Domestic animals, and started breeding them.
Offerings to god, Urban Hierarchy
- God/desses, King
- Special Human, Priest/ess
- Average Human
- Natural world
Has many gods, they are acknowledging or worshipped, collect on Pokemon cards
The believe that the universe is God and everything is God (creepy…) collect all cards
a two way agreement
Burning Times
- Witches were seen as bad (demon)
- “women holocaust” no written record, their traditions believes and stories burnt with them
- Witches were the concealers helped with birth control
- They continued to practice even in fear of being killed
- Punishment were public
- Happened during the renaissance and reformation
End of 15th and 16th Century
- Women were out living men
- Not enough women for men so women were becoming more independent (easy scape goats)
- Age of superstition people actually believed in witches
Scientific Revolution
- Witch hunts were now competition
- Women accused were put in jail and maybe tortured, would also strip the clothe and be shaved
- Many would confess because the torture was unbearable
- 2 entire villages were exterminated
Malleus Maleficarium Book
- Hammer against evil doers
- We are told hat witches do
- One of first printed books
- Hand book for witches
- Satan gets blamed for everything
Teaching, believing, acts, teaching other than-mainstream religion with humans.
- Started by the Pope Benedict
- Focused on Hersey
- Enforced believe on roman catholic
- Also went after jews, homosexual… etc
acts against a state/ nation (governmental)
Sec of christians, God was too distant and had no connection with humans.Which meant everything related to church was controlled by satan
Scientific Revolution
- Stop witch hunts, though still searched for hersey today
Number of women killed is a metaphor nobody actually knows.
- Rise of protestan and christian, reformation
- What drove a lot of the witch burning
- Driven by power and change in christianity
- Church would find or pick out witches then the government would take over
Low Magic(k)
Little spells, old folk traditions, pre christian era
ex. guy cuts his had 3 self identified witches did something to slow down bleeding
High Magic(k)
Very ritualized, must be careful because was powerful, mostly men that get involved. Still scientific yet ordered and must be trained and believes about God or occults
Lodge: group of men (club)
What looks like unrelated relationships
ex. putting stones in wine that would reduce alcohol so wouldn’t get as drunk (why would you want that ??)
Changing one thing into another
- Study of the oldest testament of Judaism
- Collection of number of books
- Could only study this if you were 48 and older and married
- Branches described divinity ( quality and strength)
Numerology/ Gematria
- Study of numbers, type of occult science
- Trying to decode meaning
- Roman numbers could be confusing so it was better to use arabic numbers (4)
- Not all societies had arabic numbers
- Certain number meant words so had to read whole sentence to understand
- Come from Persian, but don’t look like Europeans
- Helena Blavatsky was a Russian Princess late 1800
- Founder of 2 religious systems
- 2 books: Isis unveiled, The secret Doctrine
- Claims our ancestor come from another planet, then went to Tibet
- This is where Hitler’s Racial Theory is from