Lecture week 8 Flashcards
What percentage of people who have experienced childhood abuse later abuse their own children?
Name the different kinds of PTSD after childhood trauma
- PTSD with personality disorders
- Complex PTSD
- Severe PTSD
What are the symptoms of PTSD
- traumatic event
- reliving
- avoidance
- negative thoughts and mood
- Hyperactivity
What is delayed expression?
it can sometimes take years before the PTSD becomes clear
What percentage of patients with PTSD are also diagnosed with PD?
What is Complex PTSD according to the ICD-11
PTSD (according to DSM-IV) plus
• Emotion regulation problem
• Negative self-concept
• Interpersonal problems
What is fear based therapy?
Fear-based therapy is based on extinction or the correction of harm expectancies and the taxing of the working memory.
Therapy: imaginary exposure, EMDR
What is emotion-regulation-based therapy?
You give people the skills to deal with the overload of emotions, and then offer them trauma focussed treatment. Cognitive and experiential restructuring.
Therapy: Schema therapy, STAIR
Why does treatment of chronic depression often stagnates in victims of child abuse?
If people experienced traumatic events but do not develop PTSD or it is not diagnosed, and they are depressed over and over again it is useful to check if there were any adverse childhood experiences because this might be the reason that the treatment does not work.
How does TFT work?
Emotional processing theory
- Exposure activates network
- New information is added
- New associations are created
- Old patterns are inhibited
What is the window of tolerance?
The optimum arousal zone where new information can be added to the memory
What happens in TFT sessions?
• Session 1: information, motivation and exploration • Sessions 2-12: - homework - imaginary exposure - exposure in vivo
Who is cognitive therapy for and how does it work?
Cognitive therapy is for patients with deeply ingrained negative schemas with additional psychodynamic techniques.
Thoughts, feelings and behavior are all related to each other. So, in CBT you try to change the thoughts, this influences the feelings, and this, in turn, influences the behavior.
What are schemas?
Schemas are mental structures which store and organize our experience to govern our perception and behavior
How can schemas be dysfunctional?
Schemas will develop when a child’s basic emotional needs aren’t met.
Schemas that appear from painful experience and lead to expecting new pain. They do not change in response to a positive experience. They provoke maladaptive behavior.
We make the same mistakes, hardly trying to avoid them.
What is the goal of schema therapy?
reduce the impact of schemas onto the person’s life and help them to understand and satisfy their basic needs.
How does schema therapy work
First, the psychologist and the cliënt create a framework of the client’s issues and discuss it. Then four types of techniques are used
What are the four types of techniques used in schema therapy?
- In the therapeutic relationship, the therapist takes care of unmet emotional needs of the client.
- Cognitive techniques work with beliefs and change the way the client thinks of themselves, others and the world.
- Experiential techniques are aimed at transforming feelings
- Behavioral techniques change the way we act when our schemas are triggered.