Lecture week 1 Flashcards
Name a few reasons why it is important to have emotional interactions with your caretaker for later development.
to form attachment, estabish sense of safety and security, learn to regulate own emotions, understand emotional states of others, learn to trust others and learn empathy
Define childhood maltreatment
Any act of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child. Harm does not need to be intended.
Define omission
The failure to meet a child’s needs.
This is among others physical neglect, emotional neglect and denial of access to education.
Define comission
Actively doing something harmful.
This is, among others, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, shaken baby syndrome and intimate-partner violence.
Define emotional neglect
Failure to meet a child’s emotional needs and failure to protect a child from violence in the home or neighbourhood
Define physical neglect
Failure to meet a child’s basic physical, medical/dental, or educational needs; failure to provide adequate nutrition, hygiene, or shelter
Define emotional abuse
Intentional behaviour that conveys to a child that he/she is worthless, flawed, unloved, unwanted, endangered, or valued only in meeting another’s needs
Define physical abuse
Intentional use of physical force or implements against a child that results in, or has the potential to result in, physical injury
Define sexual abuse
Any completed or attempted sexual act, sexual contact, or non-contact sexual interaction with a child by a caregiver
What is the prevalence of the different types of maltreatment?
23% of all children have suffered from physical abuse
36% of all children have suffered from emotional abuse
16% of all children have suffered from physical neglect
26% of all children (18% girls, 8% boys) have suffered from sexual abuse
What types of abuse are the most frequent?
Emotional and physical abuse
What are a few indicators for increase in domestic violence in times of Corona?
Increased stress amongst parents, less social support and the abuse stays hidden more easily
Name a few psychological concequences of child abuse and neglect
internalizing and externalizing disorders, personality disorders, psychotic symptoms, suicide and self-injury
Define comorbidity and what can it also be referred to as?
To have two or more disorders at the same time. It can also be referred to as co-occurrence. For example, approximately 50% of children are exposed to more than one form of abuse or neglect.
True or False: The odds ratio, the chance of having experienced maltreatment in the groups of any disorder, is much higher compared to children who have never experienced maltreatment.
Highest for emotional neglect
Name a few underlying psychological processes related to childhood abuse and neglect.
(multiple potential mechanisms by which maltreatment increases risk for psychopathology)
Cognitive schemata of self and others, emotion regulation style, (in)secure attachment, hypervigilance to threat, low responsiveness to reward and neurobiological models
What is the cognitive schemata of self and others and how does abuse influence it?
how do you see the world and how do you see your own place in the world. If you see everything through depressed glasses, you interpret the world in a negative way because you have learned from childhood that negative things happen (to you).
How does abuse influence emotion regulation styles?
Your stress system might be over reactive or you are not able to regulate the stressor when you have suffered from childhood maltreatment because you have never learned how to regulate stress. You can develop problems with the recognition and understanding of emotions and coping with emotions. This can lead to problems with : social interactions, rejection, stress and impulse control
How does abuse influence (in)secure attachment?
Emotional neglect is a big risk factor. Attachment to abusing parents occurs, but is characterized by unsafety. When biological parents are not available, children can still securely attach to another person. Can influence attachment in later relationships.
There are three types of attachment styles: secure, avoidant and anxious/ambivalent. These can impact social interactions. When these interactions are not healthy as an adult, these can cause psychological problems.
How does abuse influence hypervigilance to threat?
Children who have been abused have heightened attention to angry faces, have hostile attributions to ambivalent stimuli (the role of the amygdala). This may lead to: Anxiety disorders (internalizing), Aggressive reactions (externalizing) and avoidance
How does abuse influence low responsiveness to reward?
Children that have been maltreated in childhood have a reduced response to reward. This is very relevant during adolescence, it helps you to learn from peers and be self-confident in the environment. Goal-directed behavior is motivated and reinforced. The dopamine system (striatum) is linked to this behavior. If your reward system is not sensitive, it might be a cause for depression. If you need more rewards, it might lead to substance abuse.
Name one example of an internal factor and an external factor of resilience.
Internal factor: intelligence or more adapted stress system
External factor: a good social support system or an attachment bond with another person