Lecture week 7 Flashcards
Before what age is it called childhood sexual abuse
Before the age of 16, by a person of at least 5 years older
What is the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse in dutch men and women
Men: 3%
Women: 10%
Who is the perpetrator most likely to be?
In most of the cases the perpetrator is male and known. Before the age of 16 it is most often a person from the neighborhood (30%), family member (39%). After the age of 16 it is most often (ex-)partner (44%), acquaintance (14%), stranger (22%).
Are most of the concequences of sexual abuse physical or psychological?
What are some consequences for sexual functioning in women after sexual abuse?
- More risky sexual behavior (younger onset of sexual activity, more partners, more likely to have unprotected sex)
- More likely sexual re-victimization in adulthood (2 out of 3)
- More sexual problems (35-37% experiences at least one sexual problem)
- Less sexual pleasure, lower sexual self-esteem
What can be the underlying mechanism for impaired sexual response?
The victims associate sex with harm, fear and/or disgust. They give sex a negative meaning.
With what instrument can you measure female sexual response
How can diminished sexual arousal be restored?
through extinction or counterconditioning, although feelings of disgust seems more persistent
Is there an increase of a decrease in cortisol during sex in women with a history of CSA
True or false: women with a history of CSA have more negative sexual self schemas, higher negative affect, and lower sexual arousal in response to sexual stimulation.
- There is no significant difference in sexual self schemas, genital response, subjective sexual arousal, or affect.
- Significantly more negative affect in women with CSA preceding exposure to sexual film
Give an explanation as to why women can get sexually aroused during sexual assault.
Women may have this reaction to protect them from physical harm
Do women with a history of CSA and sexual problems report stronger negative feelings toward their genital sexual arousal sensations
True or false: Childhood sexual abuse always results in impaired sexual response
Define sextortion
Threats to expose sexual images with the goal of coercing victims to provide more pictures or engage in sex.
What are the two dimensions of resilience in surviors of CSA
positive adaptation and life circumstances.
Does PTSD treatment affect sexual problems after sexual abuse?
Treatment of PTSD after sexual abuse seems not to effect sexual problems by itself because this kind of therapy does not address sexual functioning
How is Genital Aversion defined in the DSM?
Repetitive and extreme aversion (disgust and avoidance) of genital contact with a partner
What is the treatment for vaginismus?
CBT or therapist aided exposure/guided exposure (treatment for anxiety and phobic reactions is exposure). Successful penetration decreases catastrophizing and fear.