Lecture Three Flashcards
What is VO2 max?
-VO2 Max= Measure of cardiorespiratory fitness/ aerobic capacity.
o Information required to calculate internal oxygen consumption= ventilation, levels of expired O2 & CO2.
o How much oxygen is used & how much CO2 produced indicates what macronutrients are being broken down?
What can our breath tell about us and what is it useful for?
-Our breath can tell us how fit we are which is useful for:
o Baseline measure= pre-training.
o Post training= measured effectiveness of training.
o Energy requirements of an exercise bout.
o Resting metabolic rate= can assist with weight loss prescription.
o Point of lactate threshold= determine & enhance performance.
What are the functions of the respiratory system?
-Primary function; Respiration (breathing)
o Exchange of O2 & CO2 across a membrane.
-Point of difference:
o Respiration= Breaking: exchange of O2 & waste products at the level of the lungs.
o Cellular Respiration= Metabolic processes & reactions that convert biochemical energy from nutrients into ATP & release waste products.
-O2 is required for this process & CO2 is produced.
What is the profess of respiration?
Step One: (Pulmonary) Ventilation
o Movement of air into (& out of) lungs.
o Inspiration (inhalation)= air moves into the RS
o Expiration (Exhalation)= air moves out of RS
Step Two: External Respiration
o Exchange of gas between air in lungs (alveoli) into circulatory system.
-O2 enters the blood at lungs.
-CO2 exits the blood at lungs.
Step Three: Transport of Gases
o Blood will transfer O & CO2 around the body & from tissues.
Step Four: Internal Respiration
o Exchange of gas between circulatory system & organs of the body.
-O2 exits the blood & enters the tissue.
-CO2 exits the tissue & enters the blood.
What are the additional functions of the respiratory system?
-Regulation of Blood pH
o By altering blood co2 levels the acidity or alkalinity level of the blood can alter= change in pH.
-Production of Chemical Mediators
o Lungs produce an enzyme which can assist with regulating blood pressure.
-Voice Production
o Sound & speech are made possible with air flowing
o Sense of smell.
o Can prevent some microorganisms from entering the body.
What is the cavity, diaphragm and thoracic wall?
-Cavity o Space within the thoracic & diaphragm. -Diaphragm o Skeletal muscle -Separates the thoracic & abdominal cavity. -Thoracic Wall o Thoracic Vertebra= 12 o Ribs o Costal muscles o Sternum o Associated muscles
What is ventilation assisted by?
-Ventilation (air movement) is assisted by the respiratory muscles.
What is involved in inspiration and expiration?
Inspiration o Diaphragm o External intercostals o Pectoralis minor o Scalenes o Sternocleidomastoid Expiration o Internal intercostals o Abdominal muscles
What do the lungs provide?
-Provides a large SA for gas exchange to occur
o Volume=4-6L
o 2400km of airway
o 960km of capillaries
What is the pleura?
o Fluid Functions:
- Protection
- Acts as a lubricant allowing pleura to slide during breathing.
- The 2 pleura stick together thus parietal pleura sticks to thoracic wall & pulls the visceral pleura with it during inspiration.
What is the Hilum?
o Allows entry & exit for the
- Primary Bronchi
- Pulmonary Arteries
- Pulmonary Veins
What are the upper and lower structures of the respiratory tract?
-UPPER o External nose o Nasal cavity o Pharynx o Larynx -LOWER o Trachea o Bronchi & Bronchioles o Lungs
What is the functional characteristic of the respiratory tract?
-Conducting Zone o Anatomic dead space- air that fill non diffusing conducting portions. o Trachea -Primary Bronchus -Bronchus -Bronchi -Bronchioles-Terminal Bronchioles o Purpose=Air Movement
What organs are in the conducting zone, what are the functions of the nose and the larynx?
Nose= Air movement into the respiratory system.
-Passage for air
-Cleans the air
-Humidifies & warms the air
-Voice sound
-Digestive & respiratory system common opening.
o Passage for air between the pharynx & trachea
o Must remain open.
o 9 cartilages make up the outer casing= strong
-Epiglottis is one of the cartilages of the larynx
What is the trachea, tracheobronchial tree and bronchodilation/constriction in the conducting zone?
-End of larynx to 5th thoracic vertebrae (10-12cm)
-Reinforcing the tube (anteriorly & laterally) are many C shaped cartilage band.
o For protection & opening
-Posterior to smooth muscle
o Can narrow diameter
-Mucous membrane
o Traps foreign objects
-Ciliated epithelium
o Moves mucous & debris out
-Tracheobronchial Tree
-Consists of the trachea & all other tubes in the lungs.
o Main bronchus
-Secondary bronchi (lobar bronchi)
-Tertiary bronchi (segmental bronchi)
-Terminal bronchioles
-Ciliated epithelium= “mucus-cilia escalator”
-As the passageways get smaller there is less cartilage & more smooth muscle.
-Bronchodilation & Bronchoconstriction
What are the conducting zone functions?
- Air Transport
- Humidification
- Warming