Lecture series 3 Flashcards
traditional anthropology focused on non-western populations, generally small societies rather than on our won seemingly comple society
non-western populations, generally small societies rather than on our won seemingly comple society
in the 1870’s “armchair” anthropologists studied cultures based largely on the accounts of conquistadoes and missionaries
the accounts of conquistadoes and missionaries
holistic approach grew out of a fear that cultures would become extinct
become extinct
the continued concentration on small, non-western societies ecouraged a reliance on______________as a research tool, becuase anthropologists had to identify the categories through which a culure defined its world
participant observation
etic view of culture
- data gathered by outsiders that yields answers to particular questions posed by outsiders
- an outsiders view of culture
emic view of culture
- descriptive reports about what insiders say and understand about their culture
- “people’s talk”, an insider’s view of culture
a method fo testing translation
translation, back translation, and revision
quantitative data
numeric quantities, how many people believe this (% of pop.)
modern cultural anthropologists often use indigenous terminology to
describe cultural constructs
qualitative data
people’s words, actions, records, and accounts obtained from participant pbsevation, interniews, group interviews, and relevant documents
deductive culutural research
hypothesis testing
inductive cultural reasearch
interpretive (subjective descriptions)
intersubjective meaning
social meaning is constructed around a relationship between two or more people, often using words
the process of building a bridge of understaning between anthropologist and informants, where information constantly flows in both directions
- awareness of the dialectic will allow participants to begin to understand the other
_____________is the main method of research used by cultural anthropologists
ethnographic fieldwork