Lecture Quiz 2 Flashcards
Where is the lesser omentum found?
runs from the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach
Where is the greater omentum found?
drapes inferiorly from the greater curvature to the small intestine
What is the nerve supply of the stomach?
sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers of the autonomic nervous system
What is the blood supply of the stomach?
celiac trunk from abdominal aorta corresponding veins (part of the hepatic portal system)
What does the muscularis layer of the stomach do?
allows stomach to churn, mix, and pummel food physically
breaks down food into smaller fragments
Describe the epithelial lining of the stomach
composed of goblet cells that produce alkaline mucus
mucous surface layer traps a bicarbonate-rich fluid beneath it
What does the gastric pit contain?
gastric glands that secrete gastric juice, mucus, and gastrin
What does pepsin do?
converts food to chyme
What does gastrin do?
plays essential role in regulating stomach secretion and motility
What do mucous neck cells do in the stomach?
secrete acid mucus
What do parietal cells of the stomach do?
secrete HCl and intrinsic factor
What do the chief cells of the stomach do?
produce pepsinogen
What does pepsinogen do in the stomach?
activated to pepsin by HCl and pepsin itself via positive feedback mechanism
What do enteroendocrine cells of the stomach do?
secrete gastrin histamine endorphins serotonin CCK somatostatin all into the lamina propria
How does the stomach combat digesting itself?
mucosal barrier:
thick coat of bicarbonate-rich mucus on the stomach wall
epithelial cells that are joined by tight junctions
gastric glands have cells that are impermeable to HCl
damaged epithelial cells are replaced quickly
What does the stomach ultimately do?
holds ingested food
degrades food physically and chemically
delivers chyme to small intestine
enzymatically digests proteins with pepsin
secretes intrinsic factor required for absorption of B12
What is vitamin B12 essential for?
RBC synthesis
What is the cephalic phase?
phase prior to food entry
What are excitatory events of the cephalic phase?
sight or thought of food
stimulation of taste or smell receptors
What are inhibitory events of the cephalic phase?
loss of appetite or depression
decrease in stimulation of the parasympathetic division
When is the gastric phace?
once food enters the stomach
~3-4 hours
What are excitatory events of the gastric phase?
stomach distension
activation of stretch receptors (neural activation)
activation of chemoreceptors by peptides, caffeine, and rising pH
release of gastrin to the blood
What are inhibitory events of the gastric phase?
a pH lower than 2
emotional upset that overrides the parasympathetic division (stress, fear, anxiety)
What is the intestinal phase?
when partially digested food enters the duodenum
What are excitatory events of the intestinal phase?
low pH
partially digested food enters the duodenum and encourages gastric gland activity
What are inhibitory events of the intestinal phase?
distension of duodenum
presence of fatty, acidic, or hypertonic chyme
irritants in the duodenum
What happens during the inhibitory phase of intestinal phase?
initiates inhibition of local reflexes and vagal nuclei
closes pyloric sphincter
releases enterogastrones that inhibit gastric secretion
What is the enterogastric reflex?
inhibits parasympathetic function
inhibits local reflex
activates parasympathetic function
protects small intestine of too much acidity
What stimulates HCl secretion?
all through second-messenger systems
When is release of HCL low? High?
low if only one ligand binds to parietal cells
high if all three ligands bind to parietal cells