Lecture: Introduction to Virology Flashcards
Is virus cellular or acellular?
Diameter range of viruses
20 nm to 450 nm
What type of microscope can view a virus?
Transmission electron microscope
What is shown when you view a virus in a Bright-field microscope?
Effect of the virus
Viruses are incapable of metabolism, growth, and reproduction. They also only replicate inside the cells, therefore they are?
Obligate intracellular parasites
Can a virus contain both DNA and RNA?
No, either DNA or RNA only
Viruses have cell walls, cell membranes, or cellular organelles. True or False?
False, they do not have cellular structure
Known as the complete structure/infective form of a virus
Viruses lack the enzyme for protein and nucleic acid synthesis. True or False?
Are viruses prokaryotic or eukaryotic?
All viruses have envelopes, but not all have capsids. True or False?
False, all viruses have capsids but not all have envelopes
A virus without an envelope is called?
Naked Virus
Responsible for the introduction of viral nucleic acid into a suitable host cell
Viral attachment protein
Formed when the viral particle carries off a part of the host cell’s membrane
Which is more susceptible to environmental conditions, Naked or Enveloped?
Enveloped. Naked viruses are more resistant to environmental conditions
Protein spikes protruding through the envelope from the capsid
Spikes / Peplomers
Outer protective shell; protect genetic material of virus; most prominent geometric feature
Capsids are composed of identical protein subunits known as
Three Major Capsid Structures
Double-stranded DNA viruses are what class?
Class I
Single-stranded DNA viruses are what class?
Class II
Double-stranded RNA viruses are what class?
Class III
Positive-sense, single-stranded RNA viruses are what class?
Class IV
Negative-sense, single-stranded RNA viruses are what class?
Class V