Lecture III, Tues, Feb6,2018/// lecture 3 on mooodle all Flashcards
Types of sight distances that we will study
1- Stopping sight distance
2-Decision sight distance
3-Passing sight distance
Stopping sight distance (SSD)
Minimum sight distance required for driver
to stop a vehicle after “seeing” object in
vehicle’s path
(formula will be given)
A properly designed roadway will provide
the minimum stopping sight distance at
every point along its length
SSD requirements impose design controls
on elements of roadway geometry:
– Minimum length of vertical curves
– Minimum radius of horizontal curves
SSD based on passenger car operation; trucks are not
explicitly considered
• Heavier/longer trucks need longer stopping distances,
On the other hand, a balancing factor is the height of
truck cabs which permits higher sight clearance
Decision sight distance is required in cases
such as:
– Changes in roadway cross-section (lane drops (lane becomes narrower) or toll plazas (lanes that you pay to move on it ))
– Interchanges
– Area where different sources of information
(traffic, control devices, advertisements, etc.)
compete for driver’s attention
DSD is the distance traveled while
recognizing an object or hazard, plotting an
avoidance course (accelerating for example or making a turn safely), and making the necessary
maneuvers; it is not related to stopping
It is the minimum sight distance required for a 2-
lane, 2-way highway in order to permit a driver
to complete a passing maneuver:
– without colliding with the opposite vehicle
– without cutting off the passed vehicle
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