lecture 13 Flashcards
What are traffic control devices there is a picture before see it
devices used to promote safety and efficiency by regulating movements of all road users
What are the five basic requirements for the traffic control devices to be effective
#convey a clear simple meaning # Give adequate time for proper response #Command respect from road users #command attention #fulfill a need
What is the function of signs in traffic control devices
Signs convey information through their shape , color, message and placement
what are the basic elements or factors in an intersection design
# human factor (like driving habits and perception reaction time) #Traffic considerations ( vehicle speeds and public transport services) #physical elements or factors ( sight distance and vertical alignment of the intersection) #Economic factors (cost and energy consumptions)
There is a difference between physical intersection area which is only related to the geometry and functional intersection area which is more related to the function also
see picture page 16
Intersection sight distance
sight distance that must be provided at the intersection
purpose of intersection sight distance
it is to provide sight distance at the intersections to allow drivers to perceive the presence of potentially conflicting vehicles and traffic control devices
How do we provide intersection sight distance
by clearing specified areas along the intersection corners and legs from obstructions
There are two types of clear sight triangles in intersection sight distance
#Approach sight triangle (uncontrolled or yield controlled see page 20) #Departure sight triangle (stop controlled see page 21, the triangles are smaller)
Types and examples of intersections
see page 24-25-26-27
Why do we use intersection channelization and how it is done
We use intersection channelization in order to separate turn lanes from through lanes , channelization is done through solid white lines or through raised barriers
What is the purpose of intersection channelization
#direct traffic movements #provide refuge for crossing vehicles and pedestrians # prevent prohibited turns # establish speed control over vehicles entering an intersection
Page 30-31-32-33
must study
Rotary intersection (round about) definition and properties
A roundabout consists of one-way road around a central island where all traffic approaching the intersection merges into this one way road. All the movements happens with weaving and without crossing.
Advantages of rotary intersections
#at low volumes it reduces delay by replacing direct crossings of vehicles by weaving #when there are more than 4 intersections involved, rotaries provide simplified design
Disadvantages of rotary intresections
#require large area for design #less suitable in areas with high pedestrian traffic # functions properly at low speeds and volumes
Picture page 37
must study
What are safety benefits of round abouts
#produces low speed environment #eliminates opposing traffic #Reduce speed differential among conflicting movements #reduce severity and frequency of collisiion
rotary with flyover
pic page 39 study
How is the overall intersection assessment is done
# by assessing delay per vehicle # by assessing safety ( crashes severity) # convenience to all users ( pedestrian, byciclists, people with disabilities, and elderly people)
Freeway entrances and exits
Freeway entrance : on ramp
Freeway exits : off ramp
Ramps that lead to/from loops or local roads are not designed at the same speed as the expressway
how we design freeway entrances and exits
we design ramps entrances and exits by providing sufficient length to allow vehicles to accelerate or decelerate so that they can merge with the freeway or away from it
what are the two possible designs of the on-ramps
#taper design: blending into "through lane" #parallel design:"auxiliary lane" parallel to "through lane" See pic page 47
How L (length) is measured in on-ramps
L is measured starting from the point vehicle enters a path parallel to outer lane and ending at a location where acceleration lane drops below 12 ft.
Off ramps properties
# vehicles leaving freeway need a distance to decelerate away from stream of the on-going traffic # it is achieved by taper or parallel lane # we also want to find L # see pic from page 50 till 52