Lecture 9 - Work & Economy Flashcards
Work is a …
Social product built on social relationships
What is Capitalism?
• Capitalism is a system based on private ownership of the means of production (Marx)
What is the Goal of Capitalism?
Profit - maximize profits means work is structured in the most efficient way
Why is Capitalism a system of Unequal Exchange?
Capitalists control means of production and workers have no choice but to sell their labour
What is Family Capitalism?
• Family Capitalism – mid to late 1800s industrial capitalism was in its earliest stages. A few families controlled most of the country’s wealth and passed this on to their children
What is Corporate Capitalism?
• Corporate Capitalism – the modern (limited liability) corporation where there is a concentration of wealth. Monopolies and Oligopolies rule the 1800s to mid 1900s
What is a Monopoly and Oligopoly?
Concentration of Wealth
o Monopoly – one corporation has exclusive control over a market and can therefore control consumers “choices”
o Oligopoly – several companies control an industry
What is the Global Economy?
• Global Economy – most large corporations that exist in a global context are called transnational or multinational corporations. Move beyond traditional boundaries to secure cheapest labour, lowest infrastructure costs, and permissive regulation
What is the Primary Resource Industry?
• Primary Resource Industry – work in this sector of the economy involves the extraction of natural resources
What is the Service Sector?
• Service Sector – much of this work is physically and emotionally demanding
What is the Sphere of Production?
The primary resource sector, manufacturing and the service sector
What is the Sphere of Reproduction?
• Sphere of Reproduction – buying groceries, planning and cooking meals, folding laundry, cleaning, driving, etc.
o Most of this work is performed by women in the household without pay
What is the Informal Economy?
• It is difficult to estimate the size of the informal economy because work in it is not reported to the government (babysitting, peddling, maid service, street performers, street drugs, gambling, bartering)
What is Hidden Work?
• “Hidden Work” is a survival/safety net for many marginalized workers
Revolutionary New Technology is bringing the emergence of…
knowledge society / knowledge economy / information society
What is the Sharing Economy?
Sharing knowledge and sharing for profit (UBER, wikipedia)
What is Numerical Flexibility?
• Numerical Flexibility – shrink/eliminate core workforce and replace them with workers in non-standard work
What is Non-Standard Work?
• Non-Standard Work – employment arrangements, e.g., part-time/temporary work, self-employment
- seldom receive assurances of stable employment
- fastest growing type of employment in Canada
How much of Canadian Employees are part of unions?
• Approximately one-third of all employees in Canada are unionized
How does the labour union curve look for men and women?
• Labour unions are decreasing for men, but staying relatively flat for women
What is Precarious Labour?
Precarious workers are those who fill permanent job needs but are denied permanent employee rights. Globally, these workers are subject to unstable employment, lower wages and more dangerous working conditions. They rarely receive social benefits and are often denied the right to join a union.