Lecture 9 When does the clock start ticking? Flashcards
newborn clocks?
arrythmic until 3-4mo.
old people clocks
weakened circadian system, nap in day, trouble sleeping at night.
Rodent developmental ages
E0 - moating conception followed by 21 day pregnancy.
P0/E21 - birth
P21 - lactation period/weaning, seperates from mother.
5-9 weeks later reach sexual maturity.
Development of visual system in rodents?
Rod/cones maturation:
Rod/cone photosensitivty maturation:
mRGC maturation:
mRGC photosensitivity maturation:
Overall functional retinal output:
P3-P15 roughly.
eye opens P15
Development of retinohypothalamic tract rodents
Projections to SCN start at:
Hamster - P4
Rat - P1
both fully develop by P15
Development of SCN rodent
SCN neurons begin formation in embryo:
SCN glial cell formation:
E15-P10 but most appear first week after birth.
connections within SCN between neurons, also of SCN to other areas.
Just before birth ~E18 - P10
SCN metabolism:
measure using glucose.
just before birth ~E18 - P10.
SCN is therefore fully developed by P10
Development of neuropeptides
neurogenesis occurs in embryo, most not expressed until after birth.
VIP expressed E13 pre birth however.
Development of clock genes
a newborn rat P1:
low amplitude arrthymic expression of Per1/2 Cry1 Bmal1
From P2 Per1/2 have rhythm.
by P10 all above have same as adult rat.
development of peripheral clock genes
use Per1-loc to measure bioluminescence.
SCN first place to show expression - P7
Pineal gland - P9
Adrenal gland and lungs - P10
Thyroid - P20
Liver - P25
because pups dont eat themselves with any regular pattern until after weaning. food is the zeitgeber not light.
Maternal effects on clock of foetus
melatonin secreted from the pineal gland, can cross placenta and sync the SCN of feotus.
key sync of foetal clock pre birth.
(possible signalling from periph clocks across placenta to foetus periph clocks)
rhythms from above at birth are lost, recovered once SCN is fully developed
SCN lesion effect in pregnatart rat
arrythmic locomotor activity.
they do show circadian rhytm but there is litter asyncrony. each set to a different start point and so are not synced to each other.
effects of melatonin?
maternal melatonin entrains rhythm of drinking behaviour in rat pups, melatonin has a role in sync foetal SCN.
also helps inform day/night rhythms in humans
pinealectomy in maternal rat
pups drinking asyncronised to each other, but still circadian.
in controls 6-12 oclock feeding time.
maternal pinealectomy spread over 24 hours.
maternal pinealectomy + melatonin replacement given at night restores syncrony to 6-12 hours.
how is day/night cycle informed in pups?
while mother in thenest, pups can feed, are warm.
leaves nest in nighttime.
as time progresses, spend less time in nest, and number of pups leaving the nest increases.
When does the SCN show light responsiveness and clock gating for:
c-fos P1
Per1 P1
Per P3
c-fos P10
Per1 P3
Per2 P5
the transition between maternal and photic entrainment in pups?
P0-P10 SCN of pup is developing, so can’t sync to light properly, depends on mother heavily.
P10-P21 depend more on environment, but still mother
P21 during weaning, don’t depend on mother,
SCN fully developed P10
alter light duration throughout the day, 3 groups:
8: 16 hour L:D (simulate winter?)
12: 12 hour
16: 8 hour (summer?)
First 3 weeks exposed to one condition, then at P21 exposed to 12:12 then DD.
looked at Per1:GFP in SCN at P50
duration of Per1 peak in SCN longer ? in 8:16, reduced in 16:8
also longer period of expression.?
therefore something changed during the lactation period that was permanent and remained in adulthood.
extreme light environments
Locomotor activity:
photoreceptor response:
PO - P21
Either DD, LD or LL
followed by LD P21 - P50
reduced amplitude for DD
PER2::LUC rhythms in peripheral tissues of adults are affected by postnatal light environment.
reduced amplitude for heartin DD.
lung increase amp DD.
spleen no change.
liver normal as food the zeitgeber not light.
Locomotor activity:
all free run, but LL free running period reduced, increased in DD.
photoreceptor response:
a-wave (rod/cones)
b-wave (bipolar cells)
no difference for DD/LD/LL
no difference in pupillary light reflex either.
therefore light environment 3 weeks after birth doesn’t affect retinal function, but does effect SCN, peripheral clocks and behavioural/circadian output
what is aschov’ rules?
look dis up lol
animals in LL, period of free running is proportional to light environment.
increased intensity - increased period.
consequences of postnatal experience?
neonatal intensive care units LL.
they disturb sleep, rhythms, weight gain and visual development suffer.
create LD environments to fix.
clock mutant mice?
LL/LD/DD during up to P21
LL show huge phase delay in LD.
DD free run longer than usual, 26 compared to 24.5
delayed sleep phase syndrome.
mental health of rats with different light cycle up to P21
higher anxiety if 16:8 LD
higher depression if 8:16
mental health and mental health
summer babies ?
look up
summer v winter brain areas?
Males: superior temporal gyrus different
shit loads different
impact of early life on brain development