Lecture 16: Seasonal clocks II Flashcards
what is the target tissue for melatonin?
pars tuberalis, part of the main pituitary, Interface between the main pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
MT1 receptors in pars tuberalis.
expressed in both short/long photoperiod
describe melatonin receptors
Major mammalian subtypes: MT1 and MT2
G-protein-coupled receptors
MT1 receptors implicated in seasonal biology
Melatonin receptors expressed in many neuroendocrine tissues
what is the cellular makeup of the pars tuberalis?
contrasts to main putuitary which makes many different hormones.
only contains Folliculostellate cells and thyrotrophs which make TSH (thyroid stim hormone).
don’t possess receptors for thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) however.
So unlike thyrotrophs in main pituitary don’t respond to conventional hypothalamic signaling.
what is the thyroid system?
Hypothalamus produces TRH
TRH acts on the anterior pituitary gland
Production of TSH from thyrotrophs
TSH stimulates thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones
T4 (thyroxine) is converted to T3 -the active hormone
leads to increased metabolism, growth and development, increased catecholamine effect.
effects of a thyoidectomy?
Thyroidectomy blocks seasonal reproductive responses in birds and mammals. ie ducks, starlings, quail, sheep, red deer.
T4 injection restores
thyroid hormones in siberian hamsters?
T3 implants prevents short photoperiod activation of the gonads. testis remain large.
if given when testis are small/winter, T3 implant causes testis size to increase. reactivates gonadal axis.
T3 implants reactivate the gonadal axis in short photoperiod adapted animals.
What are tanycytes?
Specialised ependymal cells
Found within 3rd ventricle of the hypothalamus extend to the pars tuberalis.
Can convert thyroid hormone into active and inactive forms using Deiodinase enzymes.
main pituitary do have TRH receptors, pars tuberalis no TRH.
tanycyctes form bridge between pars tuberalis and hypothalamus.
describe thyroid hormones
Thyroid hormones
Triiodothyronine (T3) - active
Thyroxine (T4) – inactive (relatively)
In blood ratio of T4 > T3 approximately 20:1
In brain almost all T3 is derived from local conversion of T4.
T4 to T3 conversion requires deiodinases (Deiodinase 2).
slide has pathways
what controls hypothalamic
de-iodinase activity?
seasonal clockwok.
in long photoperiods:
more Dio2 so T4–>T3 so active thyroid hormones.
in short:
less Dio2, so Dio3 causes more T4–>rT3 (reverse T3).
Expression of the converting enzyme DIO2 in the hypothalamus is photoperiodic.
sheep kept in LD 16:8 high DIO2, SD 8:16 less DIO2 in hypothalamus.
how is DIO2 expression controlled seasonally?
TSH drives ependymal DIO2 expression, via TSH-receptor mediated cAMP activation.
TSH is composed of 2 sub-units: αGSU and TSHβ
αGSU does not change with photoperiod
The β sub-unit is strongly activated by long days in the PT.
what stimulates the conversion of T4-T3?
βTSH photoperiodically regulated signal that
stimulates the conversion of T4 to T3
TSH-DIO switch?
photoperiod info to scn –> melatonin.
long/short day melatonin signals perceived in pars tuberalis, produces BTSH in a circannual fashion.
BTSH used by tanocytes to produce DIO2, converts T4-T3.
T3 causes metabolic and reproductive changes.
conserved in vertebrates.
birds fish too.
deep brain photoreceptors in birds?
extra retinal photoreceptors in the pineal organ and deep brain.
blind duck shows gonadal development, but this response disappears if a black cap is place on the head (Benoit 1935).
other signals driving seasonal biology?
Signals other than thyroid hormone important for driving seasonal biology
Thyroid hormone is essential for some, but not all seasonal changes, e.g prolactin
Additional signals from pars tuberalis (not TSH) affect prolactin
Prolactin responsible for coat colour change, moulting (birds)
Discovery of Eya3?
Discovery of Eya3 as a long-day activated gene in mammals.
Sheep pars tuberalis tissue
Collected after 7 or 28 days in long photoperiod versus short photoperiod
Compared transcript levels using microarray
Identified Eya3 as up-regulated in long-photoperiod in sheep pars tuberalis
coincides with increase in TSHB
What is Eya3?
Discovered in drosophila.
Eya/eyes absent.
mutant affects development of eye badly.
4 EYA genes in mammals
EYA1, 2 and 4 are essential for development
EYA3 is a transcriptional co-activator
(increases gene expression by binding to transcription factor)
≈ 90% TSHβ cells co-express EYA3
All TSHβ cells co-express αGSU
How does EYA3 drive TSHB expression?
Transcription co-factor, synergises with TEF (a transcription factor) to maximise TSHβ transcription
BTSH promotor has D-Box element which TEF binds to to enhance gene transcription.
In short day, TEF can bind to D-box but not effective, absence of EYA3 low tshβ expression.
Long photoperiod, high EYA3 production, acts as transcriptional co factor, binds with TEF to D-Box, TEF is more effective, increased transcription of BTSH -> more BTSH protein.
What regulates Eya3 expression?
Eya3 expression is under circadian control, peak 12h after melatonin onset.
Nocturnal melatonin levels suppress Eya3 expression.
Results in strong morning peak of Eya3 under long day.