Lecture 17: Clocks and Metabolism I Flashcards
Define metabolism
every chemical reaction and transformation which occurs within an organism.
define metabolic rate
The overall balance of anabolism/catabolism determines metabolic rate.
what is catabolism?
breakdown of large molecules/proteins to smaller ones.
The creation of these wastes is usually an oxidation process involving a release of chemical free energy, some of which is lost as heat, but the rest of which is used to drive the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
what is anabolism?
the synthesis of complex molecules in living organisms from simpler ones together with the storage of energy; constructive metabolism.
mostly driven by ATP
how can metabolism exist on different levels?
Cellular level:
Anabolic/catabolic pathways
ATP/AMP (energy) levels
Redox status (NAD+/NADH, NADP/NADPH…)
Tissue/System level:
Coordination of metabolic pathways between multiple tissues
e.g. Glucose homeostasis (glucose production/storage; release/uptake)
Organism level: metabolic rate (VO2, VCO2, RQ) thermogenesis and body temperature feeding behaviour (ENERGY BALANCE!)
how is the circadian system and metabolism linked?
reciprocal connection?
food is also a zeitgeber that can act on peripheral tissues and the brain/scn.
circadian clock is closely coupled to metabolic processes.
food may not align with light so the clock needs to be able to adjust accordingly.
Early evidence for clock metabolism coupling?
normally feed mice at night, change schedule to feed during the day.
Either set smaller amounts of food or a smaller window.
within days they anticipate and wake before food arrives. Show FAA (food anticipatory activity).
However their SCN has stayed entrained to the LD cycle, as when put in DD and given no food they free run from night time.
what are types of FAA?
Increased activity leading up to expected mealtime
can also be seen in Body temperature, hopper visits, operant behaviour…
What is the FEO?
Food-Entrainable Oscillator - Clock structure(s) which time feeding schedules
What are characteristics of the FEO?
Food entrainment is independent of the SCN.
FAA does not depend on presence of LD cycle
Rats housed under LD or LL show robust FAA to restricted feeding.
- FAA is not affected by the phase relationship with LD cycle. Rats housed under LD or LL show robust FAA to restricted feeding.
measured by motion sensor/lever pressing. - Can show both free running SCN and FAA simultaneously.
Rats under LL show restricted feeding driven anticipation and SCN driven free running.
What happens to rats with SCN lesions under RF?
still show FAA.
after RF fasted for 3 days, still show FAA.
feed for a week, fast again, still show FAA at same time. continues for weeks.
arrythmic when normally fed.
not sure about that exactly.
but FAA after arrythmia suggests clock.
can change feeding time to not be 24 hour schedules, delay slightly each day, still show FAA.
FEO characteristics that are comparable to circadian clock?
A clock takes time to re-entrain after a shift in the phase of the zeitgeber.
change feeding time +/-8hr, not an instant change in FAA, takes time to change.
the highest and lowest frequency cycle to which the clock can entrain.
FAA can be entrained only if food is presented within the circadian range (between 22.5 and 29h)
Stephan and Becker, 1989
kept in LL.
suggests FEO is a clockyboi.
Clock gene rhythms and food entrainment?
clock gene rhythms are entrained to food in the peripheral oscillators (but not in the SCN).
at night Per1 + Dbp peak.
during the day Per2, Cry1 peak.
these are all reversed if switch to day feeding.
peripheral tissues switch clock genes to train to food.
SCN does not shift to food ever, even in LL/DD, stays entrained to LD.
mRNA in SCN in situ hybridisation, levels the same if day/night fed.
when under RF, show FAA and also normal activity, free run from normal activity in DD/no food.
what clocks in the body respond to food?
all peripheral tissues.
SCN doesn’t
feeding rhythms and SCN rhythms?
Normally, feeding rhythms reinforce SCN-driven rhythms to maintain synchrony.
When feeding is opposed to the SCN, meal timing dominates with regards to peripheral clock entrainment.
summary of support for FEO?
Independent of the SCN and LD cycle
Persist after removal of Zeitgeber
Can ‘free-run’ with similar period to previous RFS (in some cases)
RFS is capable of entraining the molecular clocks outside the SCN
More powerful than light for entrainment of peripheral clocks
Therefore supporting the existence of a Food entrainable oscillator
neural control of energy balance?
brain stem hypothalamus.
Inputs: Neural inputs (eg. Vagal inputs)
Nutrient signals (eg. glucose)
Hormone signals (eg. Leptin)
Outputs: Neural outputs (ANS)
Hormone signals (eg. ACTH, TSH)
what are semi autonomous oscillators?
still oscillate in isolation from SCN/brain.
What are slave oscillators?
in vivo have rhythm, not in isolation from SCN/brain.
rhythmic energy signals?
we tend to eat at the same times every day.
Glucose, FA, AA
Hormones: Insulin, Glucagon Leptin, Adiponectin Ghrelin CCK, PYY
brain areas controlling food and eating stuff?
NAc/pre frontal
ARC/DMN - control food intake, energy metabolism.
NAc/pre frontal - reward areas/feeding reward.
Amyg/brainstem - recieve vagal inputs
circadian clocks and energy balance?
Homeostatic centers involved in energy balance (feeding behaviour and energy expenditure)
house circadian clocks and/or are closely tied to clock structures.
neurons in arc?
Increase food intake
Decrease energy expenditure
Decrease food intake
Increase energy expenditure
balance dictates a lot of our feeding behaviour and energy metabolism.
per2::luc expression rhythmic.
strategies for locating the FOE?
Examine rhythms in clock gene expression and/or neuronal activity which match FAA meal timing
Lesion (destroy) discrete brain regions and assess food entrainment
Remove clock genes in discrete brain regions
DMH gene expression?
DMH c-fos?
good indicator of FEO?
PER1 genes entrain to food.
c-fos is a marker of neuronal activation.
c-fos activated at expercted feeding time.
not really narrowed down the search since lots of areas entrain to food
DMH lesions and related studies?
critical for anticipation/expression of food entrainable circadian rhythms.
BUT others did same experiment and found DMH lesion did show anticipation/food entrainment.
Bmal1 KO mice, then put back Bmal1 into just SCN or DMH.
found food anticipatory activity in DMH not SCN.
Another group showed Bmal KO mice show food anticipatory activity.
fraudulent data, same actogram.
so people ignored DMH
lesions and looking for FOE?
lesioned shit loads, don’t remove FAA.
rest of areas can’t be lesioned, ie in brainstem, and be functioning normally.
FEO final notes and papers to look at?
DMH lesion reduces FAA, if also lesion SCN FAA restored.
maybe distributed organisation rather than discrete site.
Reciprocal SCN-DMH feedback as an example of multi-site integration for food entrainment.
Acosta-Galvan et al 2011 PNAS 108(14): 5813–5818.
DMH effect on SCN?
inhibits SCN.
SCN also inhibitory.
suppresses the suppression.
allows FAA to be expressed.
summary of evidence for FEO?
In summary:
Multiple sites in brain and periphery ‘time’ rhythmic food intake
(RFS entrains peripheral tissues and extra-SCN neuronal oscillators)
Simple lesion studies have failed to locate a single area (FEO)
Almost certainly an interconnected network
responding to many peripheral energy signals
Example is reciprocal inhibition between the SCN and DMH