Lecture 9 readings Flashcards
What is the name of Aphids symbiont?
What are hemipterans?
A diverse order that includes bud bugs, aphids etc that have sucking mouth parts.
How does Aphids and Buchnera work together?
They work together to make essential amino acids that lack in the sap. If these 10 amino acids were unavailable then the apids would die.
Why have hemipterans abondened both symbiont and mouth suckling parts?
Most eat the plant cell as a whole, which has all the essential nutrients
What is carbon fixing?
Converting inorganic carbon into edible form
How did riftia (tube worms) survive?
Using bacteria that used sulphur
What is chemosynthesis?
Making food or getting energy using chemicals instead of light
What is the end product of chemosynthesis?
What do animals use in deep oceans for chemosynthesis?
Sulphides or Methane
How are there so many bone-eating snort flowers?
What is the function of fifth symbiont of olavious?
Who has the highest diversity of bacteria in their biome?
Plants eating herbivores animals
Why do herbivores need more bacterial diversity?
Plants are made up of collagen, and their tissues are more complex. Hence they need more enzymes
Except red pandas, which are herbivores but had less bacterial diversity
How do sharpshooters function?
Stab with mouthparts that pierce and suck the fluid from the vessels.
Once they absorbing all the nutrients, they squirt it all out from their backside in a fine stream of droplets.
Why were the plants wrapped in muslin cloth and the imposing door in the room?
Because the sharpshooters drain fluids from a variety of plants.
How would death of bacteria impact hemiptheria?
All the insects would also die
Who came up with “endosymbiosis of animals with plant microorganisms”
Paul Buchner
What is endosymbiosis of animals with plant microorganisms?
The symbiosis between plant and animals.
It was a rule rather than an idea.
How do you know aphids are related to buchnera?
If you draw the family tree of one, it represents of the other as well. Family tress of different stains of Buchnera represents the family tree of aphids.
( Buchnera must have colonized or infected aphids once millions of years ago)
How was it proven that buchnera made amino acids for aphids?
1) Used chemicals to kill buchnera, and found that artificial supplements were needed for the survival of aphids.
2) Used radio active chemicals to trace the flow of nutrients from microbe to the host.
3) Showed that buchnera has many small genes that made essential amino acids
What is the main role for symbionts?
Allow owners to subsist in deficient supplements.
What is the symbiont in carpenter ants?
Blochmannia: enables the ants to live largely on plant-based diet, and dominate the canopies in tropical forests.
Why do lice and bed bugs depend on bacteria?
For vitamin B
How do olavis get their sulphites from?
They have 2 symbionts, one big and the other small.
The small one grabs sulphates from the Elba salt, and converts them into sulphites
Then the large one oxidises sulphites into chemosynthesis just like riftia’s symbiont.
What is symbiosis-a-trios?
Olavis worms, and the other two symbionts, (big and small) The small one feeds the big one which then feeds the olavis worm in return.
In reality there are 5 symbionts, 2 small, 2 big and one corkscrew-shaped.
Who had the least amount of bacterial diversity in their guts?
How does B-theata help?
It has over 250-carb busting enzymes, while we have only 100. These release chemicals in our own cells.
How much energy do B-theata provide us and cows/sheep with?
Humans: 10%
Cows/Sheep: 70%
What was mammalian success founded upon?
Vegetarianism and vegetarianism was founded upon microbes
What is the difference between foregut and hind guts?
In elephants, rhinos, rabbits, gorrilas the microbes sit at the end of the gut, (the chambers where microbes reside are towards the end) this is hind guts
While in cows, deer, sheeps, hippos the microbes in the guts are in the front of the guts or in some chambers in the front.
How do fermentation chambers affect the types of microbes in the gut?
The chambers in the front host similar kind of microbes while microbes in the hind guts are similar
What is one problem for having bacteria in the front of the guts?
Some nutrients must be sacrificed to the bacteria but in return, you get food too.
What shaped the evolution of mamallian gut?
What shaped the evolution of microbes in the gut?
shape of mammalian gut.
Why do termites have more protists?
Because they have wood digesting enzymes (Protists make up about half of termites body weight)